双向更新堆(Prim 算法)

Updating Heap in both direction (Prim's Algorithm)


When a vertice v is added to the MST:
  For each edge (v,w) in the unexplored tree:
      1. Delete w from the min heap.
      2. Recompute the key[w] (i.e. it's value from the unexplored tree
         to the explored one).
      3. Add the value back to the heap.

所以,基本上这涉及从堆中删除(以及需要 O(logn) 的 heapify)然后重新插入(再次 O(logn))


For each edge (v,w) in the unexplored tree:
    1. Get the position of the node in the heap(array) using HashMap -> O(1)
    2. Update the value in place.
    3. Bubble up or bubble down accordingly. -> O(logn)




public int heapifyAt(int index){
        // Bubble up
        if(heap[index].edgeCost < heap[(int)Math.floor(index/2)].edgeCost){
            while(heap[index].edgeCost < heap[(int)Math.floor(index/2)].edgeCost){
                swap(index, (int)Math.floor(index/2));
                index = (int)Math.floor(index/2);
            // Bubble down
            while(index*2 + 2 < size && (heap[index].edgeCost > heap[index*2 + 1].edgeCost|| heap[index].edgeCost > heap[index*2 + 2].edgeCost)){
                if(heap[index*2 + 1].edgeCost < heap[index*2 + 2].edgeCost){
                    //swap with left child
                    swap(index, index*2 + 1);
                    index = index*2 + 1;
                    //swap with right child
                    swap(index, index*2 + 2);
                    index = index*2 + 2;
        return index;

我正以这种方式从堆中采摘 :

public AdjNode pluck(){
    AdjNode min = heap[0];
    int minNodeNumber = heap[0].nodeNumber;
    AdjNode toRet = new AdjNode(min.nodeNumber, min.edgeCost);
    heap[0].edgeCost = INF; // set this to infinity, so it'll be at the bottom
                            // of the heap.
    updatevertices(minNodeNumber); // Update the adjacent vertices
    return toRet;


public void updatevertices(int pluckedNode){
    for(AdjNode adjacentNode : g.list[pluckedNode]){
        if(!visited.contains(adjacentNode.nodeNumber)){  // Skip the nodes that are already visited
            int positionInHeap = map.get(adjacentNode.nodeNumber); // Retrive the position from HashMap
            if(adjacentNode.edgeCost < heap[positionInHeap].edgeCost){
                heap[positionInHeap].edgeCost = adjacentNode.edgeCost; // Update if the cost is better
                heapifyAt(positionInHeap); // Now this will go bottom or up, depending on the value

但是当我在大图上执行它时,代码失败,堆底部有小值,顶部有大值。但是 heapifyAt() API 似乎工作正常。所以我无法弄清楚是我的方法错误还是我的代码? 此外,如果我用 siftDown() 替换 heapifyAt() API,即构建堆, 它工作正常,但是调用 siftDown() 没有意义(n) 每次更新的时间,可以用对数时间处理。



public class Graph1{
    public static final int INF = 9999999;
    public static final int NEGINF = -9999999;
    static class AdjNode{
        int nodeNumber;
        int edgeCost;
        AdjNode next;

        AdjNode(int nodeNumber, int edgeCost){
            this.nodeNumber = nodeNumber;
            this.edgeCost = edgeCost;

    static class AdjList implements Iterable<AdjNode>{
        AdjNode head;


        public void add(int to, int cost){
                head = new AdjNode(to, cost);
                AdjNode temp = head;
                    temp = temp.next;
                temp.next = new AdjNode(to, cost);

        public Iterator<AdjNode> iterator(){
            return new Iterator<AdjNode>(){
                AdjNode temp = head;

                public boolean hasNext(){
                        return false;
                    return temp != null;

                public AdjNode next(){
                    AdjNode ttemp = temp;
                    temp = temp.next;
                    return ttemp;

                public void remove(){
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


        public void printList(){
            AdjNode temp = head;
                System.out.println("List Empty");
                System.out.print(temp.nodeNumber + "|" + temp.edgeCost + "-> ");
                temp = temp.next;
            System.out.println(temp.nodeNumber + "|" + temp.edgeCost);


    static class Heap{
        int size;
        AdjNode[] heap;
        Graph g;
        int pluckSize;
        Set<Integer> visited = new HashSet<Integer>();
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();

        Heap(Graph g){
            this.g = g;
            this.size = g.numberOfVertices;
            this.pluckSize = size - 1;
            heap = new AdjNode[size];

        public void copyElements(){
            AdjList first = g.list[0];
            int k = 0;
            heap[k++] = new AdjNode(0, NEGINF); //First entry
            for(AdjNode nodes : first){
                heap[nodes.nodeNumber] = nodes;

            for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
                    heap[i] = new AdjNode(i, INF);

        public void printHashMap(){
            System.out.println("Priniting HashMap");
            for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
                System.out.println(i + " Pos in heap :" + map.get(i));

        public void line(){

        public void printHeap(){
            System.out.println("Printing Heap");
            for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
                System.out.println(heap[i].nodeNumber + " | " + heap[i].edgeCost);

        public void initializeMap(){
            for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
                map.put(heap[i].nodeNumber, i);

        public void swap(int one, int two){
            AdjNode first = heap[one];
            AdjNode second = heap[two];
            map.put(first.nodeNumber, two);
            map.put(second.nodeNumber, one);

            AdjNode temp = heap[one];
            heap[one] = heap[two];
            heap[two] = temp;

        public void constructHeap(){
            for(int i=size-1; i>=0; i--){
                int temp = i;
                while(heap[temp].edgeCost < heap[(int)Math.floor(temp/2)].edgeCost){
                    swap(temp, (int)Math.floor(temp/2));
                    temp = (int)Math.floor(temp/2);


        public void updatevertices(int pluckedNode){
            for(AdjNode adjacentNode : g.list[pluckedNode]){
                    int positionInHeap = map.get(adjacentNode.nodeNumber);
                    if(adjacentNode.edgeCost < heap[positionInHeap].edgeCost){
                        // //System.out.println(adjacentNode.nodeNumber + " not visited, Updating vertice " + heap[positionInHeap].nodeNumber + " from " + heap[positionInHeap].edgeCost + " to " + adjacentNode.edgeCost);
                        // heap[positionInHeap].edgeCost = INF;
                        // //heap[positionInHeap].edgeCost = adjacentNode.edgeCost;
                        // int heapifiedIndex = heapifyAt(positionInHeap);             // This code follows my logic
                        // heap[heapifiedIndex].edgeCost = adjacentNode.edgeCost;      // (which doesnt work)
                        // //heapifyAt(size - 1);
                        heap[positionInHeap].edgeCost = adjacentNode.edgeCost;
                        constructHeap();                                                // When replaced by SiftDown, 
                    }                                                                   // works as charm

        public void printSet(){
            Iterator<Integer> it = visited.iterator();
            System.out.print("Printing set : [");
                System.out.print((int)it.next() + ", ");

        public AdjNode pluck(){
            AdjNode min = heap[0];
            int minNodeNumber = heap[0].nodeNumber;
            AdjNode toRet = new AdjNode(min.nodeNumber, min.edgeCost);
            heap[0].edgeCost = INF;
            return toRet;

        public int heapifyAt(int index){
            if(heap[index].edgeCost < heap[(int)Math.floor(index/2)].edgeCost){
                while(heap[index].edgeCost < heap[(int)Math.floor(index/2)].edgeCost){
                    swap(index, (int)Math.floor(index/2));
                    index = (int)Math.floor(index/2);
                if(index*2 + 2 < size){
                    while(index*2 + 2 < size && (heap[index].edgeCost > heap[index*2 + 1].edgeCost|| heap[index].edgeCost > heap[index*2 + 2].edgeCost)){
                        if(heap[index*2 + 1].edgeCost < heap[index*2 + 2].edgeCost){
                            //swap with left child
                            swap(index, index*2 + 1);
                            index = index*2 + 1;
                            //swap with right child
                            swap(index, index*2 + 2);
                            index = index*2 + 2;
            return index;

    static class Graph{
        int numberOfVertices;
        AdjList[] list;

        Graph(int numberOfVertices){
            list = new AdjList[numberOfVertices];
            for(int i=0; i<numberOfVertices; i++){
                list[i] = new AdjList();
            this.numberOfVertices = numberOfVertices;

        public void addEdge(int from, int to, int cost){
            this.list[from].add(to, cost);
            this.list[to].add(from, cost);

        public void printGraph(){
            System.out.println("Printing Graph");
            for(int i=0; i<numberOfVertices; i++){
                System.out.print(i + " = ");


    public static void prims(Graph graph, Heap heap){
        int totalMin = INF;
        int tempSize = graph.numberOfVertices;
            AdjNode min = heap.pluck();
            totalMin += min.edgeCost;
            System.out.println("Added cost : " + min.edgeCost);
        System.out.println("Total min : " + totalMin);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("/home/mayur/Downloads/PrimsInput.txt"));
        Graph graph = new Graph(in.nextInt());
            graph.addEdge(in.nextInt() - 1, in.nextInt() - 1, in.nextInt());
        Heap heap = new Heap(graph);
        prims(graph, heap);

通过正确实施堆,您应该能够向上 向下冒泡。堆使用适用于两个方向的顺序保留一组元素,向上和向下冒泡本质上是相同的,除了你移动的方向。


如果你四处寻找堆的数组实现,你会注意到在大多数情况下根位于索引 1,而不是 0。原因是,在一个索引为 1 的数组中你保留了以下内容parent p 和 children c1 和 c2.

heap[i] = p
heap[2 * i] = c1
heap[2 * i + 1] = c2

在一张纸上画一个数组并看到这个关系成立是微不足道的,如果你的根在堆[1]。 root 的 children 在索引 1 处位于索引 2 和 3。索引 2 处的节点的 Children 位于索引 4 和 5,而节点的 children索引 3 位于索引 6 和 7,依此类推。

这种关系可以帮助您到达 i 处任何节点的 children 或 parent,而无需跟踪它们的位置。 (即 parent 在 floor(i/2) 而 children 在 2i 和 2i+1)

您似乎尝试过的是堆的 0 索引实现。因此,对于 parent p 和 children c1 和 c2,您必须使用下面给出的稍微不同的关系.

heap[i] = p
heap[2 * i + 1] = c1
heap[2 * i + 2] = c2

访问children时好像没问题。例如,root 的 children,索引为 0,位于索引 1 和 2。索引 1 的节点的 Children 位于索引 3 和 4,而 children索引 2 处的节点位于索引 5 和 6,依此类推。但是,访问节点的 parent 时会出现问题。如果您考虑节点 3 并取 floor(3/2),您会得到索引 1,其中 1 的 parent。但是,如果您取索引处的节点4,floor(4/2) 给你索引 2,它是 not 索引 4.

节点的 parent

显然,parent 和它的 children 之间索引关系的这种适配对两个 children 都不起作用。与 1 索引堆实现不同,在访问它们的 parents 时,您不能对两个 children 进行相同的处理。所以,问题具体出在你的冒泡部分,不一定与冒泡操作有关。其实,虽然我没有测试你的代码,但是冒泡部分heapifyAt 函数似乎是正确的。(即 除了 索引,当然)

现在,您可以继续使用 0 索引堆并调整您的代码,以便每当您查找节点的 parent 时,您隐式检查它是否是 正确的 (即不是正确的,而是与左边相反的)parent 的 child,如果是,则使用 floor((i-1)/2)。检查一个节点是否是正确的 child 是微不足道的:只看它是否是偶数。 (即,当你用 2i + 2 对 children 进行索引时,它们将始终是偶数)

不过,我建议您采用不同的方法,而不是 使用堆的 1 索引数组实现。堆的数组实现的优雅之处在于,您可以相同地对待每个节点,而不必根据其索引或位置做任何不同的事情,堆的根可能是唯一可能的例外。