breeze - 在保存之前根据实体的导航属性修改服务器上的实体

breeze - modify an entity, on the server, based upon it's navigational properties, before saving

有没有办法在服务器端 breeze 的 BeforeSaveEntity(或保存前的任何其他地方)中获取实体的导航 属性 的 "current" 值?目前,我指的是数据库中存在的内容,合并了任何传入的更改。这不是为了验证,而是我正在计算 parent 属性 的值(我不想要在客户端上)基于 parent 字段和 children 字段...


public class Parent {
  public ICollection<Child> Children{ get; set; }

。 . .

protected override bool BeforeSaveEntity(EntityInfo entityInfo) {
  if (entityInfo.Entity.GetType() == typeof(Parent) &&
  (entityInfo.EntityState == EntityState.Added || entityInfo.EntityState == EntityState.Updated)) {

   // Lazy load Parent's Children collection out of breeze's context 
   // so items are "current' (existing merged with changes)

   Parent parent = (Parent)entityInfo.Entity;
   Context.Entry(parent).Collection(p => p.Children).Load();

   // this throws exception Member 'Load' cannot be called for property
   // 'Children' because the entity of type 'Parent' does not exist in the context.

我认为它们还不在 DBContext 中。我能想到的就是从数据库中检索现有的 children,然后手动合并 BeforeSaveEntities 中的更改,这很麻烦。

延迟加载在 Breeze 用于保存的 DbContext 中未启用。原因详见this SO answer

您应该在 separate DbContext 中加载任何其他实体。

下面是我在项目中的做法示例。也许 MergeEntities 和 DetachEntities 方法应该包含在 Breeze 中,以便更简单地执行此操作。

protected override Dictionary<Type, List<EntityInfo>> BeforeSaveEntities(Dictionary<Type, List<EntityInfo>> saveMap)
    // create a separate context for computation, so we don't pollute the main saving context
    using (var newContext = new MyDbContext(EntityConnection, false))
        var parentFromClient = (Parent)saveMap[typeof(Parent)][0].Entity;

        // Load the necessary data into the newContext
        var parentFromDb = newContext.Parents.Where(p => p.ParentId == parentFromClient.ParentId)

        // ... load whatever else you need...

        // Attach the client entities to the ObjectContext, which merges them and reconnects the navigation properties
        var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)newContext).ObjectContext;
        var objectStateEntries = MergeEntities(objectContext, saveMap);

        // ... perform your business logic...

        // Remove the entities from the second context, so they can be saved in the original context
        DetachEntities(objectContext, saveMap);
    return saveMap;

/// Attach the client entities to the ObjectContext, which merges them and reconnects the navigation properties
Dictionary<ObjectStateEntry, EntityInfo> MergeEntities(ObjectContext oc, Dictionary<Type, List<EntityInfo>> saveMap)
    var oseEntityInfo = new Dictionary<ObjectStateEntry, EntityInfo>();
    foreach (var type in saveMap.Keys)
        var entitySet = this.GetEntitySetName(type);
        foreach(var entityInfo in saveMap[type])
            var entityKey = oc.CreateEntityKey(entitySet, entityInfo.Entity);
            ObjectStateEntry ose;
            if (oc.ObjectStateManager.TryGetObjectStateEntry(entityKey, out ose))
                if (ose.State != System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted)
                oc.AttachTo(entitySet, entityInfo.Entity);
                ose = oc.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(entityKey);

            if (entityInfo.EntityState == Breeze.ContextProvider.EntityState.Deleted)
            oseEntityInfo.Add(ose, entityInfo);
    return oseEntityInfo;

/// Remove the entities in saveMap from the ObjectContext; this separates their navigation properties
static void DetachEntities(ObjectContext oc, Dictionary<Type, List<EntityInfo>> saveMap)
    foreach (var type in saveMap.Keys)
        foreach (var entityInfo in saveMap[type])
            { // the object cannot be detached because it is not attached