Java 与 base 和 child 相关的通用 class "not applicable for the arguments"
Java Generic relating to base and child class "not applicable for the arguments"
final ResponseBase response = executor.execute(myRequest);
"The method execute(capture#6-of ? extends RequestBase) in the type CommandExecutor is not applicable for the arguments (RequestBase)"
public class MainClass {
private final static Map<Class<? extends RequestBase>, CommandExecutor<? extends RequestBase, ? extends ResponseBase>> MAP = new HashMap<>();
public static void main(String[] args) {
final DummyCommandExecutor dummyCommandExecutor = new DummyCommandExecutor();
MAP.put(MyRequest.class, dummyCommandExecutor);
final RequestBase myRequest = new MyRequest();
myRequest.setRequestString("this is my request");
final CommandExecutor<? extends RequestBase, ? extends ResponseBase> executor = MAP.get(myRequest.getClass());
final ResponseBase response = executor.execute(myRequest);
interface CommandExecutor<T, R> {
R execute(T object);
class DummyCommandExecutor implements CommandExecutor<MyRequest, MyResponse> {
public MyResponse execute(MyRequest request) {
final MyResponse response = new MyResponse();
return response;
class MyResponse extends ResponseBase {
class ResponseBase {
String responseString;
public String getResponseString() {
return this.responseString;
public void setResponseString(String responseString) {
this.responseString = responseString;
class MyRequest extends RequestBase {
class RequestBase {
String requestString;
public String getRequestString() {
return this.requestString;
public void setRequestString(String requestString) {
this.requestString = requestString;
不进行转换就无法执行此操作。虽然您知道映射将 return 是给定类型的正确命令执行程序,但编译器不会,因此您需要告诉编译器不要关心:
final CommandExecutor<RequestBase,ResponseBase> executor = (CommandExecutor) MAP.get(myRequest.getClass());
你不能只匹配吗?与 T
final CommandExecutor executor = MAP.get(myRequest.getClass());
如果地图 returns smth 不可施法
,当然可以在哪个选项中获得 运行 时间例外
final ResponseBase response = executor.execute(myRequest);
给我以下编译器错误: "The method execute(capture#6-of ? extends RequestBase) in the type CommandExecutor is not applicable for the arguments (RequestBase)"
public class MainClass {
private final static Map<Class<? extends RequestBase>, CommandExecutor<? extends RequestBase, ? extends ResponseBase>> MAP = new HashMap<>();
public static void main(String[] args) {
final DummyCommandExecutor dummyCommandExecutor = new DummyCommandExecutor();
MAP.put(MyRequest.class, dummyCommandExecutor);
final RequestBase myRequest = new MyRequest();
myRequest.setRequestString("this is my request");
final CommandExecutor<? extends RequestBase, ? extends ResponseBase> executor = MAP.get(myRequest.getClass());
final ResponseBase response = executor.execute(myRequest);
interface CommandExecutor<T, R> {
R execute(T object);
class DummyCommandExecutor implements CommandExecutor<MyRequest, MyResponse> {
public MyResponse execute(MyRequest request) {
final MyResponse response = new MyResponse();
return response;
class MyResponse extends ResponseBase {
class ResponseBase {
String responseString;
public String getResponseString() {
return this.responseString;
public void setResponseString(String responseString) {
this.responseString = responseString;
class MyRequest extends RequestBase {
class RequestBase {
String requestString;
public String getRequestString() {
return this.requestString;
public void setRequestString(String requestString) {
this.requestString = requestString;
不进行转换就无法执行此操作。虽然您知道映射将 return 是给定类型的正确命令执行程序,但编译器不会,因此您需要告诉编译器不要关心:
final CommandExecutor<RequestBase,ResponseBase> executor = (CommandExecutor) MAP.get(myRequest.getClass());
你不能只匹配吗?与 T
final CommandExecutor executor = MAP.get(myRequest.getClass());
如果地图 returns smth 不可施法
,当然可以在哪个选项中获得 运行 时间例外