如何从 Jenkinsfile 中标记当前 git 变更集?

How do I tag the current git changeset from inside the Jenkinsfile?

我想标记当前 git 变更集并从 Jenkinsfile 中推送标记。如果标签已经存在,则必须将其替换。

我想使用此逻辑来标记使用 snapshot 标记传递的构建,这将是一个移动标记。




stage 'build'
node {

    repositoryCommiterEmail = 'ci@example.com'
    repositoryCommiterUsername = 'examle.com'

    checkout scm

    sh "echo done"

    if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
        stage 'tagging'

        sh("git config user.email ${repositoryCommiterEmail}")
        sh("git config user.name '${repositoryCommiterUsername}'")

        sh "git remote set-url origin git@github.com:..."

        // deletes current snapshot tag
        sh "git tag -d snapshot || true"
        // tags current changeset
        sh "git tag -a snapshot -m \"passed CI\""
        // deletes tag on remote in order not to fail pushing the new one
        sh "git push origin :refs/tags/snapshot"
        // pushes the tags
        sh "git push --tags"

我要分享my Jenkins Pipeline Setup and my solution to publish changes/tags to git repo via SSH (While Git Publish Support正在开发中)。请查看更多信息,欢迎任何改进想法。

简而言之,您只需将文件 git_push_ssh.groovy 添加到您的项目并从 Jenkinsfile 中调用方法 pushSSH(),如下所示:

env.BRANCH_NAME = "mycoolbranch"// BRANCH_NAME is predefined in multibranch pipeline job
env.J_GIT_CONFIG = "true"
env.J_USERNAME = "Jenkins CI"
env.J_EMAIL = "jenkins-ci@example.com"
env.J_CREDS_IDS = '02aa92ec-593e-4a90-ac85-3f43a06cfae3' // Use credentials id from Jenkins
def gitLib = load "git_push_ssh.groovy"
gitLib.pushSSH(commitMsg: "Jenkins build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", tagName: "build-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", files: "changelog.txt someotherfile.txt");

对于无法完成上述工作的人,我直接使用了 sshagent 插件,它成功了:

stage('tag build'){
    $class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']],
    userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'git',
    url: 'ssh://<ssh URL>']],
    extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'targeted-dir']]

sshagent(credentials: ['<credentials ID.']){
    sh("git config user.email '<email>")
    sh("git config user.name '<user>.com'")

    // deletes current snapshot tag
    sh ("git tag -d ${PARAM_VERSION_NUMBER} || true")
    // tags current changeset
    sh ("git tag -a ${PARAM_VERSION_NUMBER} -m \"versioning ${PARAM_VERSION_NUMBER}\"")
    // deletes tag on remote in order not to fail pushing the new one
    sh ("git push origin :refs/tags/snapshot")
    // pushes the tags
    sh ("git push --tags")


要使此功能适用于 blue ocean(使用 https 连接),请使用以下内容:

sshagent(credentials: ["406ef572-9598-45ee-8d39-9c9a227a9227"]) {
                def repository = "git@" + env.GIT_URL.replaceFirst(".+://", "").replaceFirst("/", ":")
                sh("git remote set-url origin $repository")
                sh("git tag --force build-${env.BRANCH_NAME}")
                sh("git push --force origin build-${env.BRANCH_NAME}")