使用 R/C++ 函数构建 Rpackage 时遇到问题
Having trouble in building Rpackage using R/C++ functions
我有一个使用 Rcpp packgae 在 R 函数内部调用的 C++ 函数。 R 函数接受 inputDataFrame
并使用 C++ 函数(也接受 DataFrame)来计算药物量 (A1)
作为时间函数。 R 然后 returns inputDataFrame
添加了计算量的列 A1
我无法为此功能制作 Rpackage。我遵循 RStudio instruction 但我 运行 在构建包时遇到错误。错误在 RcppExport.cpp
文件中并指出 'OneCompIVbolusCpp' was not declared in this scope
这是 C++ 和 R 函数的代码。当我处理示例数据帧时,它们在 R 中工作得非常好。
OneCompIVbolusRCpp <- function(inputDataFrame){
inputDataFrame$A1[inputDataFrame$TIME==0] <- inputDataFrame$AMT[inputDataFrame$TIME==0]
OneCompIVbolusCpp( inputDataFrame )
C++ 函数OneCompIVbolusCppfunction.cpp
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace std;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
// input Dataframe from R
DataFrame OneCompIVbolusCpp(DataFrame inputFrame){
// Create vectors of each element used in function and for constructing output dataframe
Rcpp::DoubleVector TIME = inputFrame["TIME"];
Rcpp::DoubleVector AMT = inputFrame["AMT"];
Rcpp::DoubleVector k10 = inputFrame["k10"];
Rcpp::DoubleVector A1 = inputFrame["A1"];
double currentk10, currentTime, previousA1, currentA1;
// in C++ arrays start at index 0, so to start at 2nd row need to set counter to 1
// for counter from 1 to the number of rows in input data frame
for(int counter = 1; counter < inputFrame.nrows(); counter++){
// pull out all the variables that will be used for calculation
currentk10 = k10[ counter ];
currentTime = TIME[ counter ] - TIME[ counter - 1];
previousA1 = A1[ counter - 1 ];
// Calculate currentA1
currentA1 = previousA1*exp(-currentTime*currentk10);
// Fill in Amounts and check for other doses
A1[ counter ] = currentA1 + AMT[ counter ];
} // end for loop
# Generate df
#Set dose records:
dosetimes <- c(0,12)
#set number of subjects
ID <- 1:2
#Make dataframe
df <- expand.grid("ID"=ID,"TIME"=sort(unique(c(seq(0,24,1),dosetimes))),"AMT"=0,"MDV"=0,"CL"=2,"V"=10)
doserows <- subset(df, TIME%in%dosetimes)
#Dose = 100 mg, Dose 1 at time 0
doserows$AMT[doserows$TIME==dosetimes[1]] <- 100
#Dose 2 at 12
doserows$AMT[doserows$TIME==dosetimes[2]] <- 50
#Add back dose information
df <- rbind(df,doserows)
df <- df[order(df$ID,df$TIME,df$AMT),] # arrange df by TIME (ascending) and by AMT (descending)
df <- subset(df, (TIME==0 & AMT==0)==F) # remove the row that has a TIME=0 and AMT=0
df$k10 <- df$CL/df$V
# Apply the function
simdf <- ddply(df, .(ID), OneCompIVbolusRCpp)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
// input Dataframe from R
DataFrame OneCompIVbolusCpp(DataFrame inputFrame){
// ...
// input Dataframe from R
// [[Rcpp::export]]
DataFrame OneCompIVbolusCpp(DataFrame inputFrame){
// ...
因为 [[Rcpp::export]]
标签 必须 直接出现在它导出的函数之前。
我有一个使用 Rcpp packgae 在 R 函数内部调用的 C++ 函数。 R 函数接受 inputDataFrame
并使用 C++ 函数(也接受 DataFrame)来计算药物量 (A1)
作为时间函数。 R 然后 returns inputDataFrame
添加了计算量的列 A1
我无法为此功能制作 Rpackage。我遵循 RStudio instruction 但我 运行 在构建包时遇到错误。错误在 RcppExport.cpp
文件中并指出 'OneCompIVbolusCpp' was not declared in this scope
这是 C++ 和 R 函数的代码。当我处理示例数据帧时,它们在 R 中工作得非常好。
OneCompIVbolusRCpp <- function(inputDataFrame){
inputDataFrame$A1[inputDataFrame$TIME==0] <- inputDataFrame$AMT[inputDataFrame$TIME==0]
OneCompIVbolusCpp( inputDataFrame )
C++ 函数OneCompIVbolusCppfunction.cpp
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace std;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
// input Dataframe from R
DataFrame OneCompIVbolusCpp(DataFrame inputFrame){
// Create vectors of each element used in function and for constructing output dataframe
Rcpp::DoubleVector TIME = inputFrame["TIME"];
Rcpp::DoubleVector AMT = inputFrame["AMT"];
Rcpp::DoubleVector k10 = inputFrame["k10"];
Rcpp::DoubleVector A1 = inputFrame["A1"];
double currentk10, currentTime, previousA1, currentA1;
// in C++ arrays start at index 0, so to start at 2nd row need to set counter to 1
// for counter from 1 to the number of rows in input data frame
for(int counter = 1; counter < inputFrame.nrows(); counter++){
// pull out all the variables that will be used for calculation
currentk10 = k10[ counter ];
currentTime = TIME[ counter ] - TIME[ counter - 1];
previousA1 = A1[ counter - 1 ];
// Calculate currentA1
currentA1 = previousA1*exp(-currentTime*currentk10);
// Fill in Amounts and check for other doses
A1[ counter ] = currentA1 + AMT[ counter ];
} // end for loop
# Generate df
#Set dose records:
dosetimes <- c(0,12)
#set number of subjects
ID <- 1:2
#Make dataframe
df <- expand.grid("ID"=ID,"TIME"=sort(unique(c(seq(0,24,1),dosetimes))),"AMT"=0,"MDV"=0,"CL"=2,"V"=10)
doserows <- subset(df, TIME%in%dosetimes)
#Dose = 100 mg, Dose 1 at time 0
doserows$AMT[doserows$TIME==dosetimes[1]] <- 100
#Dose 2 at 12
doserows$AMT[doserows$TIME==dosetimes[2]] <- 50
#Add back dose information
df <- rbind(df,doserows)
df <- df[order(df$ID,df$TIME,df$AMT),] # arrange df by TIME (ascending) and by AMT (descending)
df <- subset(df, (TIME==0 & AMT==0)==F) # remove the row that has a TIME=0 and AMT=0
df$k10 <- df$CL/df$V
# Apply the function
simdf <- ddply(df, .(ID), OneCompIVbolusRCpp)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
// input Dataframe from R
DataFrame OneCompIVbolusCpp(DataFrame inputFrame){
// ...
// input Dataframe from R
// [[Rcpp::export]]
DataFrame OneCompIVbolusCpp(DataFrame inputFrame){
// ...
因为 [[Rcpp::export]]
标签 必须 直接出现在它导出的函数之前。