monte carlo python 中的模拟:使用 ipyparallel 的并行化比序列化花费更长的时间

monte carlo simulation in python: parallelization using ipyparallel taking longer time than serialization


我正在 monte carlo 模拟散射介质中的光子传输。我正在尝试将其并行化,但很难观察到与串行模拟相比 运行ning 时间的任何性能改进

可以在下面找到蒙特卡洛代码。 class Photon 包含用于计算单个光子的传输和散射的各种方法,而 class RunPhotonPackage 运行 对于给定厚度 L 的散射介质,一系列 N 个光子。这些是目前我唯一的输入参数:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import random as rand

NPHOTONS = 100000 # Nb photons
PI  = np.pi
EPS = 1.e-6
L = 100. # scattering layer thickness

class Photon():

    mut = 0.02 
    k = [0,0,1]

    def __init__(self,ko,pos):
        Photon.k = ko
        self.x = pos[0]
        self.y = pos[1]
        self.z = pos[2]

    def move(self):
        ksi = rand(1)
        s = -np.log(1-ksi)/Photon.mut

        self.x = self.x + s*Photon.k[0]
        self.y = self.y + s*Photon.k[1]
        self.z = self.z + s*Photon.k[2]       
        zPos = self.z
        return zPos 

    def exittop(self):

        newZpos = 0

    def exitbase(self):
        newZpos = 0

    def HG(self,g):
        rand_teta = rand(1)
        costeta = 0.5*(1+g**2-((1-g**2)/(1-g + 2.*g*rand_teta))**2)/g

        return costeta

    def scatter(self):
        # calculate new angle of scattering
        phi = 2*PI*rand(1)                
        costeta = self.HG(0.85)
        sinteta = (1-costeta**2)**0.5 

        sinphi = np.sin(phi) 
        cosphi = np.cos(phi)

        temp = (1-Photon.k[2]**2)**0.5

        if np.abs(temp) > EPS:        

            mux = sinteta*(Photon.k[0]*Photon.k[2]*cosphi-Photon.k[1]*sinphi)/temp + Photon.k[0]*costeta 
            muy = sinteta*(Photon.k[1]*Photon.k[2]*cosphi+Photon.k[0]*sinphi)/temp + Photon.k[1]*costeta
            muz = -sinteta*cosphi*temp + Photon.k[2]*costeta

            mux = sinteta*cosphi 
            muy = sinteta*sinphi
            if Photon.k[2]>=0:
                muz = costeta
                muz = -costeta

        # update the new direction of the photon 
        Photon.k[0] = mux
        Photon.k[1] = muy
        Photon.k[2] = muz        

class RunPhotonPackage():

    def __init__(self,L,NPHOTONS):
        self.L = L
        self.NPHOTONS = NPHOTONS

    def RunPhoton(self):
        Dist_Pos = np.zeros((3,self.NPHOTONS))
        # loop over number of photon
        for i in range(self.NPHOTONS):

            # inititate initial photon direction
            k_init = [0,0,1]
            k_init_norm = k_init/np.linalg.norm(k_init) # initial photon direction.
            # initiate new photon with initial direction   
            pos_init = [0,0,0]
            newPhoton = Photon(k_init_norm,pos_init)
            newZpos = 0.

            # while the photon is still in the layer, move it and scatter it
            while ((newZpos >= 0.) and (newZpos <= self.L)):

                newZpos = newPhoton.move()
                newscatter = newPhoton.scatter()

            Dist_Pos[0,i] = newPhoton.x
            Dist_Pos[1,i] = newPhoton.y
            Dist_Pos[2,i] = newPhoton.z

        return Dist_Pos


import time
tic = time.time()
dictresult = {}
for L in np.arange(10,100,10):
    print('L={0} m'.format(L))
    Dist_Pos = RunPhotonPackage(L,10000).RunPhoton()
toc = time.time()
print('sec Elapsed: {0}s'.format(toc-tic))

然后这个 运行 在:

sec Elapsed: 26.425330162s

当我尝试使用 ipyparallel 并行化代码时:

import ipyparallel
clients = ipyparallel.Client()
dview = clients[:]

dview.execute('import numpy as np')
dview.execute('from numpy.random import random as rand')
dview['PI'] = np.pi
dview['EPS']= 1.e-6

dview.push({"Photon": Photon, "RunPhotonPackage": RunPhotonPackage})

def RunPhotonPara(L):
    LayerL = RunPhotonPackage(L,10000)
    dPos = LayerL.RunPhoton()
    return dPos

tic = time.time()
dictresultpara = []
for L in np.arange(10,100,10):
    value = dview.apply_async(RunPhotonPara,L)
toc = time.time()
print('sec Elapsed: {0}s'.format(toc-tic))

它 运行 在:

sec Elapsed: 55.4289810658s

所以时间增加了一倍多!!!我在 ubuntu 32 位四核上 运行 宁此,并使用 ipcluster start -n 4 在本地主机上启动一个控制器和 4 个引擎。我原以为并行化代码 运行 的时间是 运行 串行代码所用时间的 ~1/4,但显然事实并非如此。




我做了一些更改以简化您的示例。在我的 Mac 上,串行版本 运行s 在 ~18 秒内,而具有 4 个引擎的并行版本 运行s 在大约一半的时间内。鉴于任务的持续时间不均匀,这似乎是合理的。

按照之前的设置方式,引擎中会出现错误,因此速度较快 returns。似乎通过字典传递 类 是不够的。相反,代码现在导入在每个引擎上定义 类 的模块。 请注意,我只是针对此示例 sys.path 进行了修改 ,但大概在生产环境中您会适当地处理它。

我认为您不需要在循环中使用 "wait"。此外,async_map() 方法似乎比 async_apply().


到运行这个,创建一个目录,将下面的代码复制到该目录下一个名为""的文件中,并创建一个空的“init .py”也在那里。修改代码中插入 sys.path 的行以引用您的新目录。在那里更改目录 运行 "python":


import ipyparallel
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import random as rand
import time

NPHOTONS = 100000 # Nb photons
PI  = np.pi
EPS = 1.e-6
L = 100. # scattering layer thickness

class Photon():

    mut = 0.02 
    k = [0,0,1]

    def __init__(self,ko,pos):
        Photon.k = ko
        self.x = pos[0]
        self.y = pos[1]
        self.z = pos[2]

    def move(self):
        ksi = rand(1)
        s = -np.log(1-ksi)/Photon.mut

        self.x = self.x + s*Photon.k[0]
        self.y = self.y + s*Photon.k[1]
        self.z = self.z + s*Photon.k[2]       
        zPos = self.z
        return zPos 

    def exittop(self):

        newZpos = 0

    def exitbase(self):
        newZpos = 0

    def HG(self,g):
        rand_teta = rand(1)
        costeta = 0.5*(1+g**2-((1-g**2)/(1-g + 2.*g*rand_teta))**2)/g

        return costeta

    def scatter(self):
        # calculate new angle of scattering
        phi = 2*PI*rand(1)                
        costeta = self.HG(0.85)
        sinteta = (1-costeta**2)**0.5 

        sinphi = np.sin(phi) 
        cosphi = np.cos(phi)

        temp = (1-Photon.k[2]**2)**0.5

        if np.abs(temp) > EPS:        

            mux = sinteta*(Photon.k[0]*Photon.k[2]*cosphi-Photon.k[1]*sinphi)/temp + Photon.k[0]*costeta 
            muy = sinteta*(Photon.k[1]*Photon.k[2]*cosphi+Photon.k[0]*sinphi)/temp + Photon.k[1]*costeta
            muz = -sinteta*cosphi*temp + Photon.k[2]*costeta

            mux = sinteta*cosphi 
            muy = sinteta*sinphi
            if Photon.k[2]>=0:
                muz = costeta
                muz = -costeta

        # update the new direction of the photon 
        Photon.k[0] = mux
        Photon.k[1] = muy
        Photon.k[2] = muz        

class RunPhotonPackage():

    def __init__(self,L,NPHOTONS):
        self.L = L
        self.NPHOTONS = NPHOTONS

    def RunPhoton(self):
        Dist_Pos = np.zeros((3,self.NPHOTONS))
        # loop over number of photon
        for i in range(self.NPHOTONS):

            # inititate initial photon direction
            k_init = [0,0,1]
            k_init_norm = k_init/np.linalg.norm(k_init) # initial photon direction.
            # initiate new photon with initial direction   
            pos_init = [0,0,0]
            newPhoton = Photon(k_init_norm,pos_init)
            newZpos = 0.

            # while the photon is still in the layer, move it and scatter it
            while ((newZpos >= 0.) and (newZpos <= self.L)):

                newZpos = newPhoton.move()
                newscatter = newPhoton.scatter()

            Dist_Pos[0,i] = newPhoton.x
            Dist_Pos[1,i] = newPhoton.y
            Dist_Pos[2,i] = newPhoton.z

        return Dist_Pos

def RunPhoton(L):
    return RunPhotonPackage(L, 10000).RunPhoton()

def serialTest(values):
    print "Running serially..."
    tic = time.time()
    results = map(RunPhoton, values)
    print results
    toc = time.time()
    print('sec Elapsed: {0}s'.format(toc-tic))

def parallelTest(values):
    print "Running in parallel..."
    client = ipyparallel.Client()
    view = client[:]

    view.execute('import sys')

    view.execute('sys.path.insert(0, "/Users/rjp/ipp")')
    view.execute('from photon import *')

    tic = time.time()
    asyncResults = view.map_async(RunPhoton, values)
    print asyncResults.get()
    toc = time.time()
    print('sec Elapsed: {0}s'.format(toc-tic))    

if __name__ == "__main__":
    values = np.arange(10, 100, 10)
