JTree 节点编辑路径比较始终为真
JTree node editing path comparison always true
我在创建文件夹时将 JTree 更改为可编辑,并且 while 循环一直持续到该节点不是正在编辑的节点,此时它从 JTree 中删除了编辑能力。
public static void newTopFolder(){
DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel();
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) model.getRoot(); //now we have the root
DefaultMutableTreeNode newFolder = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("New Folder");//will change to increment for duplicates
DefaultMutableTreeNode empty = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("< empty >"); //easier way to have empty folder, don't worry about it
tree.setEditable(true); //sets to editable
model.insertNodeInto(newFolder, root, root.getChildCount()); //adds folder to tree
model.insertNodeInto(empty, newFolder, newFolder.getChildCount()); //adds empty to tree, not real file
TreePath nfPath = getPath(newFolder); //so we don't call getPath extra times
tree.startEditingAtPath(nfPath); //automatically selects folder to edit
System.out.println(tree.getEditingPath().toString()+":"+nfPath.toString()+";"); //returns [\user\, New Folder]:[\user\, New Folder]; which shows the two are equal
while(tree.getEditingPath().equals(nfPath)){//when nothing is selected null if nothing is being edited, and path to other objects if selected
tree.setEditable(false); //changes to node will have been committed and editing disable
sendFolderToServer(nfPath); //sends folder to server after formatting as a String used in new File(Paths.get(nfPath));
不幸的是,while 检查 tree.getEditingPath().equals(nfPath)
总是 returns true
但我不明白为什么它仍然是真的,它显然不应该。如果它有助于/改变任何东西,这是 运行 在一个单独的线程中(否则 while 循环会停止 GUI 呈现)
虽然我还没有找到解决上述明显问题的方法,但如果我改为测试 tree.isPathSelected(nfPath)
改为使用 tree.isPathSelected(path)
我在创建文件夹时将 JTree 更改为可编辑,并且 while 循环一直持续到该节点不是正在编辑的节点,此时它从 JTree 中删除了编辑能力。
public static void newTopFolder(){
DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel();
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) model.getRoot(); //now we have the root
DefaultMutableTreeNode newFolder = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("New Folder");//will change to increment for duplicates
DefaultMutableTreeNode empty = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("< empty >"); //easier way to have empty folder, don't worry about it
tree.setEditable(true); //sets to editable
model.insertNodeInto(newFolder, root, root.getChildCount()); //adds folder to tree
model.insertNodeInto(empty, newFolder, newFolder.getChildCount()); //adds empty to tree, not real file
TreePath nfPath = getPath(newFolder); //so we don't call getPath extra times
tree.startEditingAtPath(nfPath); //automatically selects folder to edit
System.out.println(tree.getEditingPath().toString()+":"+nfPath.toString()+";"); //returns [\user\, New Folder]:[\user\, New Folder]; which shows the two are equal
while(tree.getEditingPath().equals(nfPath)){//when nothing is selected null if nothing is being edited, and path to other objects if selected
tree.setEditable(false); //changes to node will have been committed and editing disable
sendFolderToServer(nfPath); //sends folder to server after formatting as a String used in new File(Paths.get(nfPath));
不幸的是,while 检查 tree.getEditingPath().equals(nfPath)
总是 returns true
但我不明白为什么它仍然是真的,它显然不应该。如果它有助于/改变任何东西,这是 运行 在一个单独的线程中(否则 while 循环会停止 GUI 呈现)
虽然我还没有找到解决上述明显问题的方法,但如果我改为测试 tree.isPathSelected(nfPath)
改为使用 tree.isPathSelected(path)