Objective-C 用于创建可变副本的模式

Objective-C pattern for creating mutable copies

我有许多 "model" 对象,其属性定义为 "readonly" 并在各个组件之间共享。


我宁愿不实现 NSMutableCopy 协议,因为对象在创建后应该是不可变的。复制+变异操作后修改后的对象可能"passed"。

是否有建议的机制,或者我应该只实现接收 "changed" 参数的构造函数?

例如,一个将 JSON 解析为原生类型的对象:

@interface ImmutableObject : NSObject
// various "readonly" properties
-(instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) MyClass1 *prop1;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) MyClass2 *prop2;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray<MyClass100 *>  *prop100;


-(instancetype)initWithJSON:(NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary {
  self = [super init];
  [self parseDictionaryToNative:jsonDictionary];
  return self;


ImmutableObject *mutated = [immutableObject mutableCopy]; // best way to accomplish this?
// change some values...
mutated.prop1 = ... // change the value to something new

self.state = [mutated copy]; // save the new object

请注意 NSMutableArrayNSMutableData 等 class 与它们的不可变对象不同。因此,在这种情况下,您可能应该定义一个 MutableObject class 与 ImmutableObject class 具有相同的接口(但具有可变属性)并在需要时使用它可变对象。

MutableObject *mutated = [immutableObject mutableCopy]; // create an instance of MutableObject

mutated.prop1 = ... // change the value to something new

self.state = [mutated copy]; // creates an ImmutableObject

ImmutableObject's mutableCopy 的实现可能是这样的:

- (MutableObject *) mutableCopy
    MutableObject *instance = [MutableObject new];
    instance.prop1 = [self.prop1 copy]; // depends what you want here and what kind of class the properties are... do you need a deep copy? that might be a bit more work.
    // etc...
    return instance;

MutableObject's copy 方法可能如下所示:

- (ImmutableObject *) copy
    ImmutableObject *instance = [ImmutableObject new];
    instance.prop1 = [self.prop1 copy];
    // etc...
    return instance;

您不会被迫正式使用 NSMutableCopy 协议,但您可以。

@spinalwrap 是正确的,但在这种情况下,没有理由在存储之前创建额外的副本。 NSMutableArrayNSArray 的子类,因此可以在任何可以使用 NSArray 的地方使用(这很常见)。你的也一样。在您的特定情况下,您可能会这样做:

MutableObject *mutated = [immutableObject mutableCopy]; // create an instance of MutableObject

mutated.prop1 = ... // change the value to something new

self.state = mutated; // Since `state` is an immutable type, 
                      // attempts to mutate this later will be compiler errors


就是说,一旦创建了可变子类,您现在需要考虑传递给您的任何 ImmutableObject 实际上可能是 MutableObject 的可能性,因此制作防御性副本(就像 NSArrayNSString 等所做的一样)例如:

- (void)cacheObject:(ImmutableObject *)object {
    // Need to copy here because object might really be a MutableObject
    [self.cache addObject:[object copy]];

通过在 ImmutableObjectreturn self 上实现 copy,并在 MutableObject 上实现 copy 作为实际副本,这变得相当有效,通常像这个:


- (ImmutableObject *)copy {
    return self;


// as in spinalwrap's example
- (MutableObject *)mutableCopy {
    MutableObject *instance = [MutableObject new];
    instance.prop1 = [self.prop1 copy]; // depends what you want here and what kind of class the properties are... do you need a deep copy? that might be a bit more work.
    // etc...
    return instance;

// No need to duplicate code here. Just declare it immutable; 
// no one else has a pointer to it
- (ImmutableObject *)copy {
    return (ImmutableObject *)[self mutableCopy];

因此,如果对象已经是不可变的,则副本几乎是免费的。我说 "fairly efficient" 是因为它仍然会导致一些不必要的可变对象副本,这些副本永远不会发生变化。 Swift 的值类型的写时复制系统是专门为处理 ObjC 中的这个问题而创建的。不过以上是ObjC中的常见模式。