Swift 如何消除表达式上下文中类型参数的歧义?

How does Swift disambiguate Type Arguments in Expression Contexts?


baz(Foo<Bar, Bar>(0))
baz(Foo < Bar, Bar > (0))

不知道是什么,bazFooBar 是(baz 可以是类型或方法,FooBar 可以是类型或变量),无法区分 < 表示类型参数列表还是小于运算符。

// two different outcomes, difference shown with parentheses
baz((Foo<Bar,Bar>(0)))      // generics
baz((Foo < Bar), (Bar > 0)) // less-than

任何理智的编程语言在解析这样的表达式时都不应该依赖于 bazFooBar。然而,无论我在哪里放置空格,Swift 都设法消除了以下表达式的歧义:

println(Dictionary<String, String>(0))
println(Dictionary < String, String > (0))

编译器如何管理这个?而且,更重要的是,Swift 语言规范中是否有任何位置。其中描述了规则。翻阅Swift书的Language Reference部分,只找到这一段:

In certain constructs, operators with a leading < or > may be split into two or more tokens. The remainder is treated the same way and may be split again. As a result, there is no need to use whitespace to disambiguate between the closing > characters in constructs like Dictionary<String, Array<Int>>. In this example, the closing > characters are not treated as a single token that may then be misinterpreted as a bit shift >> operator.

在此上下文中,certain constructs 指的是什么?实际语法只包含一个提到类型参数的产生式规则:

explicit-member-expression → postfix-expression­ . ­identifier­generic-argument-clause­opt


感谢@Martin R,我找到了编译器源代码的相关部分,其中包含解释它如何解决歧义的注释。

swift/ParseExpr.cpp, line 1533:

///   The generic-args case is ambiguous with an expression involving '<'
///   and '>' operators. The operator expression is favored unless a generic
///   argument list can be successfully parsed, and the closing bracket is
///   followed by one of these tokens:
///     lparen_following rparen lsquare_following rsquare lbrace rbrace
///     period_following comma semicolon


  • 右括号、方括号或大括号,
  • 左括号、括号或句点在其自身和右尖括号之间没有空格(>(>[,但不是 > (> [),
  • 左大括号或
  • 逗号或分号


如书中所述Annotated C#,问题在C#中以类似的方式解决。