为什么 FMA _mm256_fmadd_pd() 内在函数有 3 个 asm 助记符,"vfmadd132pd"、“231”和“213”?

Why does the FMA _mm256_fmadd_pd() intrinsic have 3 asm mnemonics, "vfmadd132pd", "231" and "213"?

有人可以向我解释为什么融合乘法累加指令有 3 种变体:vfmadd132pdvfmadd231pdvfmadd213pd,而只有一种 C 内在函数 _mm256_fmadd_pd?

为简单起见,(在 AT&T 语法中)

vfmadd132pd  %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm2
vfmadd231pd  %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm2
vfmadd213pd  %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm2

我没有从 Intel's intrinsics guide 那里得到任何想法。我问是因为我在我编写的一段 C 代码的汇编程序输出中看到了所有这些。谢谢。




n <- 4 - n

这是在程序集中instruction set reference, and also in HTML extracts of it, like the entry for VFMADD*PD:

VFMADD132PD: Multiplies the two or four packed double-precision floating-point values from the first source operand to the two or four packed double-precision floating-point values in the third source operand, adds the infinite precision intermediate result to the two or four packed double-precision floating-point values in the second source operand, performs rounding and stores the resulting two or four packed double-precision floating-point values to the destination operand (first source operand).

VFMADD213PD: Multiplies the two or four packed double-precision floating-point values from the second source operand to the two or four packed double-precision floating-point values in the first source operand, adds the infinite precision intermediate result to the two or four packed double-precision floating-point values in the third source operand, performs rounding and stores the resulting two or four packed double-precision floating-point values to the destination operand (first source operand).

VFMADD231PD: Multiplies the two or four packed double-precision floating-point values from the second source to the two or four packed double-precision floating-point values in the third source operand, adds the infinite precision intermediate result to the two or four packed double-precision floating-point values in the first source operand, performs rounding and stores the resulting two or four packed double-precision floating-point values to the desti- nation operand (first source operand).



假设 ymm0 是 Intel 语法中的第一个操作数(或 AT&T 语法中的最后一个):

vfmadd132pd:  ymm0 = ymm0 * ymm2/mem + ymm1
vfmadd231pd:  ymm0 = ymm1 * ymm2/mem + ymm0
vfmadd213pd:  ymm0 = ymm1 * ymm0 + ymm2/mem 

使用 C 内在函数时,此选择不是必需的:内在函数不会覆盖值,而是 returns 它的结果,并且它允许从内存中读取所有三个值。如果需要,编译器将添加内存reads/writes,如果不希望三个值中的任何一个被覆盖,将分配一个临时寄存器来存储结果。它会根据需要选择三个指令之一。