在 spark-shell 中使用全局对象时隐式 val 序列化

implicit val serialization when using global object in spark-shell

我不清楚为什么(不可序列化的)隐式 val 在此处被序列化(抛出异常):

implicit val sc2:SparkContext = sc
val s1 = "asdf"
sc.parallelize(Array(1,2,3)).map(x1 => s1.map(x => 4))

但不是当 s1 的值在闭包范围内时:

implicit val sc2:SparkContext = sc
sc.parallelize(Array(1,2,3)).map(x1 => "asdf".map(x => 4))




让我们来看看三个选项 - 在 方法 中,在 class 中没有 s1 ,并在 classs1:

object TTT {

  val sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    new A().foo()  // works
    new B          // works
    new C          // fails

  class A {
    def foo(): Unit = {
      // no problem here: vars in a method can be serialized on their own
      implicit val sc2: SparkContext = sc
      val s1 = "asdf"
      sc.parallelize(Array(1, 2, 3)).map(x1 => s1.map(x => 4)).count()
      println("in A - works!")

  class B {
    // no problem here: B isn't serialized at all because there are no references to its members
    implicit val sc2: SparkContext = sc
    sc.parallelize(Array(1, 2, 3)).map(x1 => "asdf".map(x => 4)).count()
    println("in B - works!")

  class C extends Serializable {
    implicit val sc2: SparkContext = sc
    val s1 = "asdf" // to serialize s1, Spark will try serializing the YYY instance, which will serialize sc2
    sc.parallelize(Array(1, 2, 3)).map(x1 => s1.map(x => 4)).count() // fails


底线——隐含与否,当且仅当 s1sc2 是 class 的成员时,这将失败,这意味着 class 会必须序列化并且 "drag" 它们都将被序列化。

范围是spark-shell REPL。在这种情况下,sc2(以及在顶级 REPL 作用域中定义的任何其他隐式 val)只有在它是隐式的并且在 RDD 操作中使用该作用域的另一个 val 时才会被序列化。这是因为隐式值需要全局可用,因此会自动序列化到所有工作节点。