正在根据数据计算期望值 table
Calculating desired value based on data table
我有体积和总浓度的数据 table。我想将一个值输入到一个单元格中,循环遍历数据 table 并从数据 table 中输出所需的总体积来计算我的新混合物。
sample # Volume concentration
1 4000.0 250000
2 4000.0 300000
3 4000.0 650000
4 4000.0 2000000
如果这是我的数据,我想制作一个 8000 体积和 700,000 浓度的新批次,我如何计算要混合的样本数量以及获得新浓度和体积的体积。
考虑使用以下 VBA 代码实现的算法,将代码放在 Sheet1
Option Explicit
Private Type Solution
Volume As Variant
Initial As Variant
Conc As Variant
End Type
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Samples() As Solution
Dim ConcTarget As Double
Dim ConcMin As Double
Dim ConcMax As Double
Dim ConcDelta As Double
Dim ConcDelta1 As Double
Dim ConcDelta2 As Double
Dim VolumeTarget As Double
Dim VolumeTotal As Double
Dim VolumeMix As Double
Dim Volume1 As Double
Dim Volume2 As Double
Dim Sample1 As Long
Dim Sample2 As Long
Dim Sample1Found As Boolean
Dim Sample2Found As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Application.EnableEvents = False
' retrieve initial data and targets from the sheet and clear results
i = 2
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Do While .Cells(i, 1) <> ""
ReDim Preserve Samples(i - 2)
Samples(i - 2).Volume = .Cells(i, 2).Value
Samples(i - 2).Initial = Samples(i - 2).Volume
Samples(i - 2).Conc = .Cells(i, 3).Value
.Cells(i, 4).Value = ""
i = i + 1
ConcTarget = .Cells(2, 7).Value
VolumeTarget = .Cells(2, 6).Value
End With
VolumeTotal = 0
' begin of iterations
' min and max concentration available
ConcMax = 0
ConcMin = 1.7976931348623E+308
For i = 0 To UBound(Samples)
If Samples(i).Conc < ConcMin And Samples(i).Volume > 0 Then
ConcMin = Samples(i).Conc
Sample1 = i ' lowest concentration sample
End If
If Samples(i).Conc > ConcMax And Samples(i).Volume > 0 Then
ConcMax = Samples(i).Conc
Sample2 = i ' highest concentration sample
End If
If ConcMin > 0 Then
' zero concentration sample isn't available
' choose appropriate samples available to mix
Sample1Found = False
Sample2Found = False
For i = UBound(Samples) To 0 Step -1
If Samples(i).Volume > 0 Then
Select Case True
Case Samples(i).Conc <= ConcTarget And Samples(i).Conc >= Samples(Sample1).Conc
' closest less concentrate sample
Sample1 = i
Sample1Found = True
Case Samples(i).Conc >= ConcTarget And Samples(i).Conc <= Samples(Sample2).Conc
' closest more concentrate sample
Sample2 = i
Sample2Found = True
End Select
End If
' check if necessary samples are available
If Not (Sample1Found And Sample2Found) Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
' calculate delta for chosen samples
ConcDelta = Samples(Sample2).Conc - Samples(Sample1).Conc
ConcDelta1 = ConcTarget - Samples(Sample1).Conc
ConcDelta2 = Samples(Sample2).Conc - ConcTarget
' calculate volumes
Volume1 = (VolumeTarget - VolumeTotal) * ConcDelta2 / ConcDelta
Volume2 = (VolumeTarget - VolumeTotal) * ConcDelta1 / ConcDelta
VolumeMix = Volume1 + Volume2
' check if volumes are enough and reduce to available volume
Select Case True
Case Volume1 > Samples(Sample1).Volume ' sample 1 not enough
Volume1 = Samples(Sample1).Volume
VolumeMix = Volume1 * ConcDelta / ConcDelta2
Volume2 = VolumeMix * ConcDelta1 / ConcDelta
If Volume2 > Samples(Sample2).Volume Then ' sample 2 not enough
Volume2 = Samples(Sample2).Volume
VolumeMix = Volume2 * ConcDelta / ConcDelta1
Volume1 = VolumeMix * ConcDelta2 / ConcDelta
End If
Case Volume2 > Samples(Sample2).Volume ' sample 2 not enough
Volume2 = Samples(Sample2).Volume
VolumeMix = Volume2 * ConcDelta / ConcDelta1
Volume1 = VolumeMix * ConcDelta2 / ConcDelta
If Volume1 > Samples(Sample1).Volume Then ' sample 1 not enough
Volume1 = Samples(Sample1).Volume
VolumeMix = Volume1 * ConcDelta / ConcDelta2
Volume2 = VolumeMix * ConcDelta1 / ConcDelta
End If
End Select
' change available volumes
Samples(Sample1).Volume = Samples(Sample1).Volume - Volume1
Samples(Sample2).Volume = Samples(Sample2).Volume - Volume2
' check if target volume has been mixed
VolumeTotal = VolumeTotal + VolumeMix
If VolumeTotal = VolumeTarget Then Exit Do
' results output
With Sheets("Sheet1")
For i = 0 To UBound(Samples)
.Cells(i + 2, 4).Value = Samples(i).Initial - Samples(i).Volume
.Cells(2, 5).Value = VolumeTotal
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
我使用源数据填充 Sheet1
之后 Worksheet_Change
事件被触发,结果填充在 "To be mixed" 列和 "Actual volume" 单元格中。 sheet 的任何更改都会立即给出结果:
我有体积和总浓度的数据 table。我想将一个值输入到一个单元格中,循环遍历数据 table 并从数据 table 中输出所需的总体积来计算我的新混合物。
sample # Volume concentration
1 4000.0 250000
2 4000.0 300000
3 4000.0 650000
4 4000.0 2000000
如果这是我的数据,我想制作一个 8000 体积和 700,000 浓度的新批次,我如何计算要混合的样本数量以及获得新浓度和体积的体积。
考虑使用以下 VBA 代码实现的算法,将代码放在 Sheet1
Option Explicit
Private Type Solution
Volume As Variant
Initial As Variant
Conc As Variant
End Type
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Samples() As Solution
Dim ConcTarget As Double
Dim ConcMin As Double
Dim ConcMax As Double
Dim ConcDelta As Double
Dim ConcDelta1 As Double
Dim ConcDelta2 As Double
Dim VolumeTarget As Double
Dim VolumeTotal As Double
Dim VolumeMix As Double
Dim Volume1 As Double
Dim Volume2 As Double
Dim Sample1 As Long
Dim Sample2 As Long
Dim Sample1Found As Boolean
Dim Sample2Found As Boolean
Dim i As Long
Application.EnableEvents = False
' retrieve initial data and targets from the sheet and clear results
i = 2
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Do While .Cells(i, 1) <> ""
ReDim Preserve Samples(i - 2)
Samples(i - 2).Volume = .Cells(i, 2).Value
Samples(i - 2).Initial = Samples(i - 2).Volume
Samples(i - 2).Conc = .Cells(i, 3).Value
.Cells(i, 4).Value = ""
i = i + 1
ConcTarget = .Cells(2, 7).Value
VolumeTarget = .Cells(2, 6).Value
End With
VolumeTotal = 0
' begin of iterations
' min and max concentration available
ConcMax = 0
ConcMin = 1.7976931348623E+308
For i = 0 To UBound(Samples)
If Samples(i).Conc < ConcMin And Samples(i).Volume > 0 Then
ConcMin = Samples(i).Conc
Sample1 = i ' lowest concentration sample
End If
If Samples(i).Conc > ConcMax And Samples(i).Volume > 0 Then
ConcMax = Samples(i).Conc
Sample2 = i ' highest concentration sample
End If
If ConcMin > 0 Then
' zero concentration sample isn't available
' choose appropriate samples available to mix
Sample1Found = False
Sample2Found = False
For i = UBound(Samples) To 0 Step -1
If Samples(i).Volume > 0 Then
Select Case True
Case Samples(i).Conc <= ConcTarget And Samples(i).Conc >= Samples(Sample1).Conc
' closest less concentrate sample
Sample1 = i
Sample1Found = True
Case Samples(i).Conc >= ConcTarget And Samples(i).Conc <= Samples(Sample2).Conc
' closest more concentrate sample
Sample2 = i
Sample2Found = True
End Select
End If
' check if necessary samples are available
If Not (Sample1Found And Sample2Found) Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
' calculate delta for chosen samples
ConcDelta = Samples(Sample2).Conc - Samples(Sample1).Conc
ConcDelta1 = ConcTarget - Samples(Sample1).Conc
ConcDelta2 = Samples(Sample2).Conc - ConcTarget
' calculate volumes
Volume1 = (VolumeTarget - VolumeTotal) * ConcDelta2 / ConcDelta
Volume2 = (VolumeTarget - VolumeTotal) * ConcDelta1 / ConcDelta
VolumeMix = Volume1 + Volume2
' check if volumes are enough and reduce to available volume
Select Case True
Case Volume1 > Samples(Sample1).Volume ' sample 1 not enough
Volume1 = Samples(Sample1).Volume
VolumeMix = Volume1 * ConcDelta / ConcDelta2
Volume2 = VolumeMix * ConcDelta1 / ConcDelta
If Volume2 > Samples(Sample2).Volume Then ' sample 2 not enough
Volume2 = Samples(Sample2).Volume
VolumeMix = Volume2 * ConcDelta / ConcDelta1
Volume1 = VolumeMix * ConcDelta2 / ConcDelta
End If
Case Volume2 > Samples(Sample2).Volume ' sample 2 not enough
Volume2 = Samples(Sample2).Volume
VolumeMix = Volume2 * ConcDelta / ConcDelta1
Volume1 = VolumeMix * ConcDelta2 / ConcDelta
If Volume1 > Samples(Sample1).Volume Then ' sample 1 not enough
Volume1 = Samples(Sample1).Volume
VolumeMix = Volume1 * ConcDelta / ConcDelta2
Volume2 = VolumeMix * ConcDelta1 / ConcDelta
End If
End Select
' change available volumes
Samples(Sample1).Volume = Samples(Sample1).Volume - Volume1
Samples(Sample2).Volume = Samples(Sample2).Volume - Volume2
' check if target volume has been mixed
VolumeTotal = VolumeTotal + VolumeMix
If VolumeTotal = VolumeTarget Then Exit Do
' results output
With Sheets("Sheet1")
For i = 0 To UBound(Samples)
.Cells(i + 2, 4).Value = Samples(i).Initial - Samples(i).Volume
.Cells(2, 5).Value = VolumeTotal
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
我使用源数据填充 Sheet1
之后 Worksheet_Change
事件被触发,结果填充在 "To be mixed" 列和 "Actual volume" 单元格中。 sheet 的任何更改都会立即给出结果: