我可以将第 3 方包导入 golang 游乐场吗

Can I import 3rd party package into golang playground


Go Playground 链接:https://play.golang.org/

自 2019 年 5 月 14 日起,it is now possible (from Brad Fitzpatrick)!

The #golang playground now supports third-party imports, pulling them in via https://proxy.golang.org/

Example: https://play.golang.org/p/eqEo7mqdS9l

Multi-file support & few other things up next.
Report bugs at golang/go issue 31944, or here on the tweeters.

(关于 “多文件”支持,参见,自 2019 年 5 月 16 日起,“": see an example here

netbrain suggests another example:


package main

import (


func main() {
    v1 := mat.NewVecDense(4,[]float64{1,2,3,4})

会给出 '30',使用 mat.NewVecDense() to create a column vector, and mat.Dot() 到 return v1v1


重点是:gonum/mat is not part of the Go Standard Library.


Go Playground 上最完整的文章仍然是“Inside the Go Playground”,其中提到:

None 这些进程支持导入远程包(可以通过 Internet 访问)。
它是一个非常独立的系统(您可以在本地 运行 以及从 play.golang.org 使用它),具有多个存根或伪造的功能,例如网络:

Like the file system, the playground's network stack is an in-process fake implemented by the syscall package.
It permits playground projects to use the loopback interface (
Requests to other hosts will fail.

2017 年更新:


但他们仍然使用官方的 Go Playground 服务来构建和 运行 Go 代码,因此仍然不允许外部导入。


Importing custom packages

Remember that playground users won't be able to install or use packages that are not part of the Go standard library, in case you want to showcase a special package you'll have to create a slightly different docker image on top of the sandbox or the unsafebox...

(后面是如何通过修改 Dockerfile 执行此操作的示例。)

这似乎表明编译是(或至少可以)在自定义沙箱内执行的,如 xiam/go-playground 项目所示,从而使这成为可能(不需要 play.golang.org 作为@VonC 的回答表明)。
