
Motion paths using cardinal splines

我重新格式化了一些我发现使用基数样条的代码,并在给定一组点的情况下绘制一条曲线,以与我的 Canvas 库一起使用,它工作得很好,但后来我也想使用上述技术来沿着一组给定的点移动对象——一条路径。 SO 有几个关于我的问题的问题,我试图自己实现 this question, but I honestly have no idea what half the variables in his code mean. Here's my library, and the curve object 的最后一个答案:

  constructor: function (options) {

    // Declare variables for brevity.

    var extend = Art.prototype.modules.utility.extend,
      defaults = {
        points: [],
        tension: 0.5,
        closed: false

    // Extend the object with the defaults overwritten by the options.

    extend(this, extend(defaults, options));

  id: 'curve',
  draw: function () {

    // Declare variables for brevity.

    var t = this,
      graphics = Art.prototype.modules.display.curve.core.graphics,
      controls = [],
      n = t.points.length,
      getControlPoints = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, tension) {
        var x = {
          x: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c - a, 2) + Math.pow(d - b, 2)),
          y: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e - c, 2) + Math.pow(f - d, 2))
        var y = {
          x: tension * x.x / (x.x + x.y)
        y.y = tension - y.x;
        var z = {
          x: c + y.x * (a - e),
          y: d + y.x * (b - f)
        var $z = {
          x: c - y.y * (a - e),
          y: d - y.y * (b - f)
        return [z.x, z.y, $z.x, $z.y];

    graphics.strokeStyle = t.stroke;

    graphics.lineWidth = t.lineWidth;

    if (t.closed) {
      t.points.push(t.points[0], t.points[1], t.points[2], t.points[3]);
      t.points.unshift(t.points[n - 1]);
      t.points.unshift(t.points[n - 1]);
      for (var p = 0; p < n; p += 2) {
        controls = controls.concat(getControlPoints(t.points[p], t.points[p + 1], t.points[p + 2], t.points[p + 3], t.points[p + 4], t.points[p + 5], t.tension));
      controls = controls.concat(controls[0], controls[1]);
      for (var $p = 2; $p < n + 2; $p += 2) {
        graphics.moveTo(t.points[$p], t.points[$p + 1]);
        graphics.bezierCurveTo(controls[2 * $p - 2], controls[2 * $p - 1], controls[2 * $p], controls[2 * $p + 1], t.points[$p + 2], t.points[$p + 3]);
    } else {
      for (var p = 0; p < n - 4; p += 2) {
        controls = controls.concat(getControlPoints(t.points[p], t.points[p + 1], t.points[p + 2], t.points[p + 3], t.points[p + 4], t.points[p + 5], t.tension));
      for (var $p = 2; $p < t.points.length - 5; $p += 2) {
        graphics.moveTo(t.points[$p], t.points[$p + 1]);
        graphics.bezierCurveTo(controls[2 * $p - 2], controls[2 * $p - 1], controls[2 * $p], controls[2 * $p + 1], t.points[$p + 2], t.points[$p + 3]);
      graphics.moveTo(t.points[0], t.points[1]);
      graphics.quadraticCurveTo(controls[0], controls[1], t.points[2], t.points[3]);
      graphics.moveTo(t.points[n - 2], t.points[n - 1]);
      graphics.quadraticCurveTo(controls[2 * n - 10], controls[2 * n - 9], t.points[n - 4], t.points[n - 3]);

    return this;


我不一定希望将代码放在银盘上交给我(尽管......那会很好) - 相反,我想学习所涉及的数学,但最好是伪代码和相对简单的条款。对我链接到的 SO 答案的解释会特别有帮助,因为它工作得很好。

使用替代实现(https://gitlab.com/epistemex/cardinal-spline-js 免责声明:我是作者)将以简单的方式生成您需要的路径上的所有点。

  • 您现在可以计算总长度
  • 在返回的数组中找到对应的段
  • 标准化余数以找到路径上的确切位置


获得点作为样条点数组后,主函数将遍历数组以找到所需位置之间的两个点之间的线段。接下来它将在这些之间进行插值以获得最终的 (x,y) 位置(这里有足够的优化空间):

这允许我们以均匀的速度沿着样条曲线移动 -

function getXY(points, pos, length) {

  var len = 0,             // total length so far
      lastLen,             // last segment length
      i,                   // iterator
      l = points.length;   // length of point array

  // find segment
  for(i = 2; i < l; i += 2) {

    // calculate length of this segment
    lastLen = dist(points[i], points[i+1], points[i-2], points[i-1]);

    // add to total length for now    
    len += lastLen;

    // are we inside a segment?
    if (pos < len && lastLen) {
      len -= lastLen;     // to back to beginning
      pos -= len;         // adjust position so we can normalize

      return {
        // interpolate  prev X + (next X - prev X) * normalized
        x: points[i-2] + (points[i] - points[i-2])   * (pos / lastLen),
        y: points[i-1] + (points[i+1] - points[i-1]) * (pos / lastLen)


var ctx = document.querySelector("canvas").getContext("2d"),
    points = [
      10,  10,    // x,y pairs
      100, 50,
      500, 100,
      600, 200,
      400, 220,
      200, 90
    spline = getCurvePoints(points),
    length = getLength(spline),
    t = 0,
    dx = 3;  // number of pixels to move object

// move along path:
(function loop() {

  // make t ping-pong, and clamp t to [0, (length-1)]
  t += dx;
  if (t < 0 || t >= length) dx = -dx;
  t = Math.max(0, Math.min(length - 1, t));

  // find segment in points which t is inside:
  var pos = getXY(spline, t, length);

  // redraw
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);

  // show marker
  ctx.fillRect(pos.x - 3, pos.y - 3, 6, 6);


function render(points) {
  ctx.moveTo(spline[0], spline[1]);
  for(var i = 2; i < spline.length; i+=2)
    ctx.lineTo(spline[i], spline[i+1]);

function getXY(points, pos, length) {

  var len = 0, lastLen, i, l = points.length;

  // find segment
  for(i = 2; i < l; i += 2) {
    lastLen = dist(points[i], points[i+1], points[i-2], points[i-1]);

    len += lastLen;
    if (pos < len && lastLen) {
      len -= lastLen;
      pos -= len;

      return {
        x: points[i-2] + (points[i] - points[i-2]) * (pos / lastLen),
        y: points[i-1] + (points[i+1] - points[i-1]) * (pos / lastLen)

  return null

function getLength(points) {
  for(var len = 0, i = 0, dx, dy; i < points.length - 2; i+=2) {
    len += dist(points[i+2], points[i+3], points[i], points[i+1])
  return len

function dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
  var dx = x2 - x1,
      dy = y2 - y1;
  return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)