派生自在私有范围内声明的 class
Derive from class declared in private scope
我目前正在重构一些遗留代码,并希望将多个 if...elseif... 语句分解为一系列 classes 实现各种策略。
因为我必须访问原始对象的内部结构,所以我将把新的 classes 声明为嵌套的 classes;因为外部世界没有人可以访问它们,所以我更愿意在私有范围内声明它们。
为了尽可能少地暴露实现细节,我想知道是否可以在头文件中仅前向声明基本策略class,并将所有子class es 声明在实现文件中。代码示例如下:
-- 头文件
class MyUglyClass
class IStrategyBase;
IStrategyBase* sPtr;
// class ActualImplementation; // this is what I'd like to avoid
// class YetAnotherImplementation; // as above
// blah blah blah
-- 实现文件
class MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
virtual ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) = 0;
// could expose some MyUglyClass members, since
// derived classes wouldn't inherit friendship
class ActualImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Do actual work
class YetAnotherImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Doing something really tricky & clever for corner cases
编译器当然会抱怨,因为 IStrategyBase
不可访问;我可以通过将 ActualImplementation
和 YetAnotherImplementation
与 IStrategyBase
一起 fwd 声明到头文件中来解决这个问题,但我宁愿避免这种情况,因为如果需要新策略。
我也可以在 public 范围内声明 IStrategyBase
当然我假设非 fwd 声明的 subclasses 不会继承与 MyUglyClass
的友谊,所以我将不得不公开相关数据 IStrategyBase
感谢所有发表评论的人,我意识到即使在 public 范围内声明,也没有人可以乱用 IStrategyBase
class,因为 class 定义会被埋没在实现文件中也是如此。我现在想知道是否可以让派生的 classes 访问 MyUglyClass
的内部结构,而不必将它们与 IStrategyBase
一起 fwd 声明。我想答案是 "no",因为友谊不会被继承,但也许我还缺少一些 C++ perk。
如果你想隐藏任何实现细节,你可以使用 pImpl idiom(指向实现的指针)又名不透明指针https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opaque_pointer所以你可以像这样更改你的代码
-- 头文件
#include <memory>
class MyUglyClass
~MyUglyClass(); // destructor must be only declared to avoid problems
// with deleting just forwarded inner class
class Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> pImpl;
-- 实现文件
class MyUglyClass::Impl
class IStrategyBase;
IStrategyBase* sPtr;
class ActualImplementation; // now these classes safely hidden inside .cpp
class YetAnotherImplementation; // Nobody can reach them.
class MyUglyClass::Impl::IStrategyBase
virtual ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) = 0;
// could expose some MyUglyClass members, since
// derived classes wouldn't inherit friendship
class ActualImplementation: public MyUglyClass::Impl::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Do actual work
class YetAnotherImplementation: public MyUglyClass::Impl::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Doing something really tricky & clever for corner cases
MyUglyClass::MyUglyClass() : pImpl(new Impl()) {}
MyUglyClass::~MyUglyClass() {} // let the unique_ptr do its work
一种可能性(这不是 pimpl 惯用法,只是一种可访问性 hack):
class MyUglyClass
struct Impl; // Is automatically "friend struct Impl;"
class IStrategyBase;
IStrategyBase* sPtr;
// class ActualImplementation; // this is what I'd like to avoid
// class YetAnotherImplementation; // as above
// blah blah blah
class MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
virtual int DoSomething(int someParameter) = 0;
// could expose some MyUglyClass members, since
// derived classes wouldn't inherit friendship
struct MyUglyClass::Impl
class ActualImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
int DoSomething(int someParameter) override
{ (void) someParameter; return 1;}
class YetAnotherImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
int DoSomething(int someParameter) override
{ (void) someParameter; return 2; }
int main() {}
我目前正在重构一些遗留代码,并希望将多个 if...elseif... 语句分解为一系列 classes 实现各种策略。
因为我必须访问原始对象的内部结构,所以我将把新的 classes 声明为嵌套的 classes;因为外部世界没有人可以访问它们,所以我更愿意在私有范围内声明它们。
为了尽可能少地暴露实现细节,我想知道是否可以在头文件中仅前向声明基本策略class,并将所有子class es 声明在实现文件中。代码示例如下:
-- 头文件
class MyUglyClass
class IStrategyBase;
IStrategyBase* sPtr;
// class ActualImplementation; // this is what I'd like to avoid
// class YetAnotherImplementation; // as above
// blah blah blah
-- 实现文件
class MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
virtual ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) = 0;
// could expose some MyUglyClass members, since
// derived classes wouldn't inherit friendship
class ActualImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Do actual work
class YetAnotherImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Doing something really tricky & clever for corner cases
编译器当然会抱怨,因为 IStrategyBase
不可访问;我可以通过将 ActualImplementation
和 YetAnotherImplementation
与 IStrategyBase
一起 fwd 声明到头文件中来解决这个问题,但我宁愿避免这种情况,因为如果需要新策略。
我也可以在 public 范围内声明 IStrategyBase
当然我假设非 fwd 声明的 subclasses 不会继承与 MyUglyClass
的友谊,所以我将不得不公开相关数据 IStrategyBase
感谢所有发表评论的人,我意识到即使在 public 范围内声明,也没有人可以乱用 IStrategyBase
class,因为 class 定义会被埋没在实现文件中也是如此。我现在想知道是否可以让派生的 classes 访问 MyUglyClass
的内部结构,而不必将它们与 IStrategyBase
一起 fwd 声明。我想答案是 "no",因为友谊不会被继承,但也许我还缺少一些 C++ perk。
如果你想隐藏任何实现细节,你可以使用 pImpl idiom(指向实现的指针)又名不透明指针https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opaque_pointer所以你可以像这样更改你的代码
-- 头文件
#include <memory>
class MyUglyClass
~MyUglyClass(); // destructor must be only declared to avoid problems
// with deleting just forwarded inner class
class Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> pImpl;
-- 实现文件
class MyUglyClass::Impl
class IStrategyBase;
IStrategyBase* sPtr;
class ActualImplementation; // now these classes safely hidden inside .cpp
class YetAnotherImplementation; // Nobody can reach them.
class MyUglyClass::Impl::IStrategyBase
virtual ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) = 0;
// could expose some MyUglyClass members, since
// derived classes wouldn't inherit friendship
class ActualImplementation: public MyUglyClass::Impl::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Do actual work
class YetAnotherImplementation: public MyUglyClass::Impl::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Doing something really tricky & clever for corner cases
MyUglyClass::MyUglyClass() : pImpl(new Impl()) {}
MyUglyClass::~MyUglyClass() {} // let the unique_ptr do its work
一种可能性(这不是 pimpl 惯用法,只是一种可访问性 hack):
class MyUglyClass
struct Impl; // Is automatically "friend struct Impl;"
class IStrategyBase;
IStrategyBase* sPtr;
// class ActualImplementation; // this is what I'd like to avoid
// class YetAnotherImplementation; // as above
// blah blah blah
class MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
virtual int DoSomething(int someParameter) = 0;
// could expose some MyUglyClass members, since
// derived classes wouldn't inherit friendship
struct MyUglyClass::Impl
class ActualImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
int DoSomething(int someParameter) override
{ (void) someParameter; return 1;}
class YetAnotherImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
int DoSomething(int someParameter) override
{ (void) someParameter; return 2; }
int main() {}