Link 带有 QtCreator 的 tesseract 库

Link tesseract libs with QtCreator

我正在尝试 运行 一个基于 tesseract API 的 C++ 程序,并且我在 Ubuntu 上使用 QtCreator 作为 IDE,以便执行页面布局分析:

int main(void)
int left, top, right, bottom;

tesseract::TessBaseAPI tessApi;

cv::Mat img = cv::imread("document.png");
tessApi.SetImage(reinterpret_cast<const uchar*>(, img.size().width, img.size().height, img.channels(), img.step1());

tesseract::PageIterator *iter = tessApi.AnalyseLayout();

while (iter->Next(tesseract::RIL_BLOCK))
    iter->BoundingBox( tesseract::RIL_BLOCK, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);


但反过来我得到了这些类型的错误,确认 tesseract 和 Qt 没有链接:

main.cpp:11: error: undefined reference to `tesseract::TessBaseAPI::TessBaseAPI()'
main.cpp:12: error: undefined reference to `tesseract::TessBaseAPI::InitForAnalysePage()'
main.cpp:16: error: undefined reference to `tesseract::TessBaseAPI::SetImage(unsigned char const*, int, int, int, int)'
main.cpp:18: error: undefined reference to `tesseract::TessBaseAPI::AnalyseLayout()'

这是我的 .pro 文件:

INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/opencv \

LIBS += -L"/usr/local/opencv/lib"   -lopencv_calib3d \
                                -lopencv_contrib \
                                -lopencv_core \
                                -lopencv_features2d \
                                -lopencv_flann \
                                -lopencv_gpu \
                                -lopencv_highgui \
                                -lopencv_imgproc \
                                -lopencv_legacy \
                                -lopencv_ml \
                                -lopencv_nonfree \
                                -lopencv_objdetect \
                                -lopencv_ocl \
                                -lopencv_photo \
                                -lopencv_stitching \
                                -lopencv_superres \
                                -lopencv_video \

LIBS += -L"/usr/bin/tesseract"

您只有库的路径 -L"/usr/bin/tesseract",您也忘记了包含库。就像您为 openCV 库所做的那样添加它。