箭头函数 eval 预处理器

Arrow function eval preprocessor

浏览器通过 evalnew Function 支持动态 JavaScript 评估。这对于将作为字符串提供的小型数据绑定表达式编译成 JavaScript 函数非常方便。


var add2 = new Function('x', 'return x + 2');
var y = add2(5); //7

我想预处理这些表达式以支持 ES6 箭头函数语法,而无需使用 babel 或任何其他具有超过几百行 JavaScript.

var selectId = new Function('x', 'return x.map(a=>a.id)');

不幸的是,即使是最新的 IE 版本也无法正常工作。

该函数应该接受一个字符串和 return 另一个字符串。例如

resolveArrows('return x.map(a=>a.id)') 


'return x.map(function(a) { return a.id })'



但是对于简单的情况,可以实现这一点。 以下是 link 到 Fat Arrow 函数扩展。


导入 fatArrowUtil.js 并在您的代码中调用 expandFatArrow(code)


expandFatArrow("()=>'test me';");


(function (){return 'test me';}).bind(this)


var selectId = new Function('x', 'return x.map(a=>a.id)');
//after expansion
var selectId = new Function('x', 'return x.map((function (a){return a.id}).bind(this))');

注意:此实用程序使用 Function 的 bind() 来保留 'this' 上下文。 它不会尝试编译您的代码,原始代码中的任何错误都会出现在扩展代码中。


//start of fat arrow utility
'use strict';
function expandFatArrow(code) {
 var arrowHeadRegex = RegExp(/(\((?:\w+,)*\w+\)|\(\)|\w+)[\r\t ]*=>\s*/);
 var arrowHeadMatch = arrowHeadRegex.exec(code);
 if(arrowHeadMatch) {//if no match return as it is
  var params = arrowHeadMatch[1];
  if(params.charAt(0) !== "(") {
   params = "(" + params + ")";
  var index = arrowHeadMatch.index;
  var startCode = code.substring(0, index);
  var bodyAndNext = code.substring(index + arrowHeadMatch[0].length);
  var curlyCount = 0;
  var curlyPresent = false;
  var singleLineBodyEnd = 0;
  var bodyEnd = 0;
  var openingQuote = null;
  for(var i = 0; i < bodyAndNext.length; i++) {
   var ch = bodyAndNext[i];
   if(ch === '"' || ch === "'") {
    openingQuote = ch;
    i = skipQuotedString(bodyAndNext, openingQuote, i);
    ch = bodyAndNext[i];
   if(ch === '{'){
    curlyPresent = true;
   } else if(ch === '}') {
   } else if(!curlyPresent) {
    //any character other than { or }
    singleLineBodyEnd = getSingeLineBodyEnd(bodyAndNext, i);
   if(curlyPresent && curlyCount === 0) {
    bodyEnd = i;
  var body = null;
  if(curlyPresent) {
   if(curlyCount !== 0) {
    throw Error("Could not match curly braces for function at : " + index);
   body = bodyAndNext.substring(0, bodyEnd+1);
   var restCode = bodyAndNext.substring(bodyEnd + 1);
   var expandedFun = "(function " + params + body + ").bind(this)";
   code = startCode + expandedFun + restCode;
  } else {
   if(singleLineBodyEnd <=0) {
    throw Error("could not get function body at : " + index);
   body = bodyAndNext.substring(0, singleLineBodyEnd+1);
   restCode = bodyAndNext.substring(singleLineBodyEnd + 1);
   expandedFun = "(function " + params + "{return " + body + "}).bind(this)";
   code = startCode + expandedFun + restCode;

  return expandFatArrow(code);//recursive call
 return code;
function getSingeLineBodyEnd(bodyCode, startI) {
 var braceCount = 0;
 var openingQuote = null;
 for(var i = startI; i < bodyCode.length; i++) {
  var ch = bodyCode[i];
  var lastCh = null;
  if(ch === '"' || ch === "'") {
   openingQuote = ch;
   i = skipQuotedString(bodyCode, openingQuote, i);
   ch = bodyCode[i];
  if(i !== 0 && !bodyCode[i-1].match(/[\t\r ]/)) {
   lastCh = bodyCode[i-1];

  if(ch === '{' || ch === '(') {
  } else if(ch === '}' || ch === ')') {
  if(braceCount < 0 || (lastCh !== '.' && ch === '\n')) {
   return i-1;
 return bodyCode.length;
function skipQuotedString(bodyAndNext, openingQuote, i) {
 var matchFound = false;//matching quote
 var openingQuoteI = i;
 for(; i < bodyAndNext.length; i++) {
  var ch = bodyAndNext[i];
  var lastCh = (i !== 0) ? bodyAndNext[i-1] : null;
  if(ch !== openingQuote || (ch === openingQuote && lastCh === '\' ) ) {
   continue;//skip quoted string
  } else if(ch === openingQuote) {//matched closing quote
   matchFound = false;
 if(matchFound) {
  throw new Error("Could not find closing quote for quote at : " + openingQuoteI);
 return i;
//end of fat arrow utility

//validation of test cases
(function () {
 var tests = document.querySelectorAll('.test');
 var currentExpansionNode = null;
 var currentLogNode = null;
 for(var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
  var currentNode = tests[i];
  addTitle("Test " + (i+1), currentNode);
  var testCode = currentNode.innerText;
  var expandedCode = expandFatArrow(testCode);

  logDom(expandedCode, 'expanded');
 function createExpansionAndLogNode(node) {
  var expansionNode = document.createElement('pre');
  currentExpansionNode = expansionNode;
  var logNode = document.createElement('div');
  currentLogNode = logNode;
  addTitle("Expansion Result", expansionNode);
  appendAfter(expansionNode, logNode);
  addTitle("Output", logNode);
 function appendAfter(afterNode, newNode) {
  afterNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, afterNode.nextSibling);

 //logs to expansion node or log node
 function logDom(str, cssClass) {
  var node = null;
  if(cssClass === 'expanded') {
   node = currentExpansionNode;
  } else {
   node = currentLogNode;
  var newNode = document.createElement("pre");
  newNode.innerText = str;
 function addTitle(title, onNode) {
  var titleNode = document.createElement('h3');
  titleNode.innerText = title;
  onNode.parentNode.insertBefore(titleNode, onNode);
pre {
 padding: 5px;
* {
 margin: 2px;
 border: 2px solid black;
 padding: 5px;
 border: 1px solid gray;
 background-color: #eef;
 margin-top: 5px;
 border: 1px solid gray;
 background-color: #ffe;
 border: 1px solid gray;
 background-color: #ddd;
.error {
 border: 1px solid gray;
 background-color: #fff;
 color: red;
  <link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'>
<div class='test-unit'>
<pre class='test'>
 //skip braces in string, with curly braces
 var fun = ()=> {
  return "test me {{{{{{} {{{}";
 logDom( fun());
 var fun1 = ()=> logDom('test1: ' + 'test me again{ { {}{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}');

<div class='test-unit'>
<pre class='test'>
 var selectId = new Function('x', 'return x.map(a=>a.id)');;
 var mappedArr = selectId([{id:'test'},{id:'test1'}]);
 console.log("test2: " + JSON.stringify(mappedArr));
 logDom("test2: " + JSON.stringify(mappedArr), 'log');

<div class='test-unit'>
<pre class='test'>
 //with surrounding code
 var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
 var es6OddNumbers = numbers.filter(number => number % 2);
 logDom("test3 : " + es6OddNumbers, 'log');

<div class='test-unit'>
<pre class='test'>
 //standalone fat arrow
 var square = x => x * x;
 logDom("test4: " + square(10), 'log');

<div class='test-unit'>
<pre class='test'>
 //with mutiple parameters, single line
 var add = (a, b) => a + b;
 logDom("test5: " + add(3, 4), 'log');

<div class='test-unit'>
<pre class='test'>
 //test with surrounding like test1
 var developers = [{name: 'Rob'}, {name: 'Jake'}];
 var es6Output = developers.map(developer => developer.name);
 logDom("test6: " + es6Output, 'log');

<div class='test-unit'>
<pre class='test'>
 //empty braces, returns undefined
 logDom("test7: " + ( ()=>{} )(), 'log');

<div class='test-unit'>
<pre class='test'>
 //return empty object
 logDom("test8: " + ( ()=>{return {}} )(), 'log');

<div class='test-unit'>
<pre class='test'>
 //working with the 'this' scope and multiline
 function CounterES6() {
   this.seconds = 0;
   var intervalCounter = 0;
   var intervalId = null;
   intervalId = window.setInterval(() => {
   logDom("test9: interval seconds: " + this.seconds, 'log');
   if(++intervalCounter > 9) {
    logDom("Clearing interval", 'log');
  }, 1000);

 var counterB = new CounterES6();
 window.setTimeout(() => {
  var seconds = counterB.seconds;
  logDom("test9:   timeout seconds: " +counterB.seconds, 'log');
 }, 1200);

当我偶然发现这个 post 时,我在网上搜索了与 OP 相同的问题。然而,幸运的是,我不小心使用 eval 执行了一个 lambda 表达式,并且在 2019 年,它正常工作!我测试了最新的 Chrome & Edge,这对我来说已经足够好了。


var lambda = '(a, b) => a + b';
var fun = eval(lambda);
var sum = fun(40, 2);

document.write(`Sum: ${sum}`);