'gear postreceive' 使用 Jenkins 的 openshift 错误

'gear postreceive' error in openshift with Jenkins

我们使用 redhat openshift 作为测试和构建代码的解决方案。
Jenkins 运行ning 已经有一段时间了,但现在它因错误而停止了...


 [exec] remote: Executing Jenkins build.[K
 [exec] remote: 
 [exec] remote: You can track your build at https://jenkins-myproject.rhcloud.com/job/myjob-build[K
 [exec] remote: 
 [exec] remote: Waiting for build to schedule....................................................................................[K
 [exec] remote: **BUILD FAILED/CANCELLED**[K
 [exec] remote: Please see the Jenkins log for more details via 'rhc tail'[K
 [exec] remote: !!!!!!!![K
 [exec] remote: Deployment Halted![K
 [exec] remote: If the build failed before the deploy step, your previous[K
 [exec] remote: build is still running.  Otherwise, your application may be[K
 [exec] remote: partially deployed or inaccessible.[K
 [exec] remote: Fix the build and try again.[K
 [exec] remote: !!!!!!!![K
 [exec] remote: An error occurred executing 'gear postreceive' (exit code: 1)[K
 [exec] remote: Error message: CLIENT_ERROR: Failed to execute: 'control post-receive' for /var/lib/openshift/56asdf899weersdfd5/jenkins-client[K
 [exec] remote: 
 [exec] remote: For more details about the problem, try running the command again with the '--trace' option.[K
 [exec] To ssh://56asdf899weersdfd5@myproject-itproject.rhcloud.com/~/git/myproject.git
 [exec]    4102ab5..3291140  master -> master

Jenkins 甚至没有看到作业 运行ning,建议的 'RHC tail jenkins' 只显示 'Build succeeded'(指的是以前的构建)

当我尝试 运行直接从 jenkins 构建时,一切正常。当我们直接提交到 git 存储库时,它应该直接 运行,但这失败了。我们的代码已经提交git成功,但是Jenkins执行失败

此外,当我推送到我们的 git 存储库时,没有其他构建 运行ning。



由于某种原因,builder-client 已停止:重新启动并解决问题。

你已经消耗了3/3档!!! 检查詹金斯日志:rhc tail jenkins