与 jnpout32pkg / jnpout32reg 的并行端口通信

Parallel Port Communication with jnpout32pkg / jnpout32reg

我正在尝试通过包 jnpout32reg (http://www.hytherion.com/beattidp/comput/pport.htm), a Java implementation of inpout32 (http://www.highrez.co.uk/downloads/inpout32/) 与并行端口通信。我已经用并行端口测试器 (download.cnet.com/Parallel-Port-Tester/3000-2086_4-75940249.html) 测试了 inpout32,它似乎工作得很好。但是,java 实现似乎不起作用。

package ioTest_reg;
import hardware.jnpout32.*;

public class ioTestReg
        static short datum;
        static short Addr;
        static pPort lpt;

     static void write()
         datum = 0x001;
          // Notify the console
          System.out.println("Write to Port: " + Integer.toHexString(Addr) +
                              " with data = " +  Integer.toHexString(datum));
          //Write to the port
          long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
          long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
          while (stop-start < 10000){
              stop = System.currentTimeMillis();

     static void do_read_range()
          // Try to read 0x378..0x37F, LPT1:
          for (Addr=0x378; (Addr<0x380); Addr++) {
               //Read from the port
               datum = (short) lpt.input(Addr);
               // Notify the console
               System.out.println("Port: " + Integer.toHexString(Addr) +
                                   " = " +  Integer.toHexString(datum));

     public static void main( String args[] )
        lpt = new pPort();
        // Try to read 0x378..0x37F, LPT1:

与端口建立连接,我可以从端口读取(端口 378 returns 78、379 returns 79 等...)。但是,我不能写输出。没有给出错误,但在接收端没有任何反应(与并行端口测试器相反)。

当我改用 jnpout32pkg(不同版本的 jnpout32reg)时,出现以下错误(即使我安装的所有内容都类似):

 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:  ioTest_pkg.jnpout32.ioPort.Out32(SS)V

我哪里做错了,pkg 和 reg 有什么区别?

在 Alexander Heimel (http://csflab.nin.knaw.nl/protocols/parallel-port-in-matlab) and Douglas Beattie (http://www.hytherion.com/beattidp/comput/pport.htm) 的大力帮助下,我终于找到了解决方法。


# import windll, to be able to load the inpoutx64.dll/inpout32.dll file
from ctypes import windll
import sys
from time import sleep
## If no input is given, write '1' to parallel port
address = int(888) # 0x378 in hex
num = 1

## if two inputs are given
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    # cast string arguments to: 
    address = int(sys.argv[1],16) # hexadecimal integer
    num = int(sys.argv[2]) # decimal integer

# load dll. 
# Select either inpout32.dll or inpoutx64.dll, depending on which
#  Python version you use. If you get the error:
# WindowsError: [Error 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
# You have used the wrong one. 
p = windll.LoadLibrary("C:\Python27\DLLs\inpout32.dll")

# write data

如果您只想发送一个脉冲(即之后立即将其设置回 0),请使用 sleep(0.002),然后是 p.Out32(address,0)。接下来,您通过 Java 执行此脚本,这是通过以下代码完成的:

String cmd = "python C:\Path\To\Code\WriteParPort.py "+ address +" " + num;
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
