厨师 - 制作 cookbook_file 的 yum localinstall

chef - making yum localinstall of cookbook_file

我有一些特定的 rpm 需要移动到一个盒子中,然后在那里进行 yum localinstall。

现在我知道如何使 notifies 在创建文件时 yum 会从 repo 安装一些东西,但我不知道在这种情况下如何指定源。


cookbook_file "mksh-39-5.el6.x86_64.rpm" do
        path "/tmp/mksh-39-5.el6.x86_64.rpm"
        action :create

package "mksh-39-5.el6.x86_64.rpm" do
        source "/tmp/mksh-39-5.el6.x86_64.rpm"
        action :install

问题是 - 我如何绑定它们,以便在创建文件时调用安装?

简短的回答是 "use notifications" 但是当你谈到很多文件时,我会遍历这样一个列表:

['mksh-39-5.el6.x86_64.rpm','package2.rpm'].each do |p| # start from an array of packages, could be an attributes like node['my_namespace']['packages']
  package p do # no need to do interpolation here, we just need the name
    source "/tmp/#{p}" # Here we have to concatenate path and name
    action :nothing # do nothing, just define the resource

  cookbook_file "/tmp/#{p}" do # I prefer setting the destination in the name
    source p                   # and tell the source name, so in case of different platfom I can take advantage of the resolution of files withint the cookbook tree
    action :create 
    notifies :install, "package[/tmp/#{p}]", :immediately 

:immediately 是在文件放置后立即启动包安装,如果有依赖项,您将必须管理包在数组中的顺序