在 Outlook 2013 中查找电子邮件中的文本并删除在此之前的所有文本

Find Text in an email and delete all text before this in Outlook 2013


    Option Explicit

Sub DeleteAfterText()

' Deletes all text after endStr.

Dim currMail As mailitem
Dim msgStr As String

Dim endStr As String
Dim endStrStart As Long
Dim endStrLen As Long

Set currMail = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
endStr = "Text"
endStrLen = Len(endStr)

msgStr = currMail.HTMLBody
endStrStart = InStr(msgStr, endStr)

If endStrStart > 0 Then
    currMail.HTMLBody = Left(msgStr, endStrStart + endStrLen)
End If

End Sub

取自此堆栈溢出页面的示例:Find Text in an email and delete all text after this in Outlook 2010



currMail.body = Right(msgStr, Len(msgStr) - (endStrStart - 1))


Option Explicit

Sub DeleteBeforeText_not_olFormatHTML()

Dim currMail As mailItem
Dim msgStr As String

Dim endStr As String
Dim endStrStart As Long
Dim endStrLen As Long

Set currMail = ActiveInspector.currentItem
endStr = "Text"
endStrLen = Len(endStr)

If currMail.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML Then
    currMail.BodyFormat = olFormatRichText
End If

msgStr = currMail.body
endStrStart = InStr(msgStr, endStr)

If endStrStart > 0 Then
    currMail.body = Right(msgStr, Len(msgStr) - (endStrStart - 1))
End If

End Sub