无法在 Windows 10 下安装 bluemix 容器 CLI(cf ic)

Unable to install bluemix container CLI (cf ic) under Windows 10


我在CMD和Boot2DockerVM下都输入了这个命令cf install-plugin https://static-ice.ng.bluemix.net/ibm-containers-windows_x64.exe来安装官方指南中提到的cf ic插件。结果是 "exit status 2".


Attempting to download binary file from internet address...  
10325504 bytes downloaded...  
Installing plugin C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\Temp\
FAILED exit status 2

什么是 "exit status 2" 呢?我在故障排除文档中找到了提到 "exit status 1" 的部分。但是,没有关于 "exit status 1".


我使用默认设置安装了所有程序,但 cf ic 插件没有正确安装。


安装也包含容器功能的新 bx 插件:http://clis.ng.bluemix.net/ui/home.html

bx ic help


IBM Containers commands:

attach(Docker)      Attach to a running container
build(Docker)       Build an image from a Dockerfile
create(Docker)      Create a new container
cpi                 Copy image
exec(Docker)        Run a command in a running container
groups              List all container groups
group-inspect       View the info of specified container group
group-instances     List instances of specified container group
group-create        Create a new container group
group-update        Update an existing container group
group-remove        Remove a container group
images(Docker)      List images
inspect(Docker)     Return low-level information on a container or image
info                Display information about IBM Containers
init                Initialize IBM Containers CLI
ips                 List all IP addresses
ip-request          Request an IP address
ip-release          Release an IP address
ip-bind             Bind an IP address to a container instance
ip-unbind           Unbind an IP address from a container instance
kill(Docker)        Kill a running container
namespace-get       Get current container namespace
namespace-set       Set container namespace
pause(Docker)       Pause all processes within a container
port(Docker)        List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
ps(Docker)          List containers
restart(Docker)     Restart a running container
rm(Docker)          Remove one or more containers
rmi(Docker)         Remove one or more images
run(Docker)         Run a command in a new container
route-map           Map a route to container group
route-unmap         Unmap a route from container group
start(Docker)       Start a stopped container
stats(Docker)       Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
stop(Docker)        Stop a running container
top(Docker)         Display the running processes of a container
unpause(Docker)     Unpause a paused container
volumes             List all volumes
volume-inspect      View the info of specified volume
volume-create       Create a new volume
volume-remove       Remove a volume
volume-fs           List filesystems
volume-fs-create    Create a new filesystem
volume-fs-remove    Remove a filesystem
volume-fs-inspect   Inspect a filesystem
volume-fs-flavors   List filesystem flavors
version(Docker)     Show the Docker version information
wait(Docker)        Block until a container stops, then print its exit code