hystrix.stream、management.port 和 Spring 云涡轮机

hystrix.stream, management.port and Spring Cloud Turbine

我的带有@EnableTurbine 配置的微服务:

  clusterNameExpression: new String('default')
  appConfig: bestallning

bestallning是一个@SpringCloudApplication,hystrix.stream启用。它在尤里卡注册,涡轮应用程序可以找到它。但它已将 management.port 设置为 8092 和 server.port 8082。hystrix.stream 绑定到 management.port

Turbine 现在尝试从 bestallning 的 server.port 获取 hystrix.stream,而不是 hystrix.stream 绑定到的 management.port。

   Fetching instance list for apps: [bestallning]
   Fetching instances for app: bestallning
   Received instance list for app: bestallning, size=1
   Retrieved hosts from InstanceDiscovery: 1
   Found hosts that have been previously terminated: 0
   Hosts up:1, hosts down: 0
   Url for host: default
   Could not initiate connection to host, giving up: [{"timestamp":1460035761979,"status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"No message available","path":"/hystrix.stream"}]
   Stopping InstanceMonitor for: default

是否可以让涡轮机使用正确的端口查找 hystrix.stream?

我认为您必须自己编写 InstanceDiscovery(并创建该类型的 @Bean)。尽管在现有实现中可能是一个有用的功能,所以请在 Spring Cloud Netflix 中打开一个问题。