没有 SDK 的 AWS Rest API

AWS Rest API without SDK

由于各种原因,我无法使用 AWS SDK,不得不对 API 进行剩余调用。我已经弄清楚了身份验证,但需要了解要调用的资源。大多数 AWS 文档都指向他们的 SDK。我如何找出 AWS Key Management (KMS) 等的 Rest Calls?

在此处查看 AWS KMS 操作文档:

所有服务的 AWS 端点列表:

关于对 AWS 端点的 HTTPS 请求以及如何签署请求的示例:

因此 KMS ListAliases 的基础 URL 将是(签名前):

这是通过 swift 4 中 ios 中的 restful 命令对 AWS 亚马逊网络服务执行 PUT object 的示例。我在互联网上的任何地方都找不到这个,所以享受吧。我不得不自己拼凑起来。我的存储桶当前设置为 public read/write。我认为向其中添加 username/password(访问密钥 ID 和秘密访问密钥)将通过参数完成。这个 restRequest 函数有一个字典参数,可以在其中添加它。但是通过 Postman 尝试相同的写入,我认为亚马逊网络服务实际上期望它作为一个组合 header 命名为 "Authorization"。我不确定它到底是如何工作的,但 Postman 确实有 AWS 作为登录类型,所以去那里试验一下。我从堆栈溢出某处的 restful 示例中获得了我的 restRequest restful 函数。

    func restRequest(url:String, method: String, sBody: String ,
                 params: [String: String], completion: @escaping ([AnyObject])->() ){
    if let nsURL = NSURL(string:url) {
        let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: nsURL as URL)
        if method == "PUT" {
             request.httpMethod = "PUT"
            for thisOne in params {
                request.setValue(thisOne.value, forHTTPHeaderField: thisOne.key)

            request.httpBody = "some text in the file we are putting"

        // Add other verbs here

        let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest) {
            (data, response, error) in
            do {

                // what happens if error is not nil?
                // That means something went wrong.

                // Make sure there really is some data
                if let data = data {
                    let response = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options:  JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers)
                    completion(response as! [AnyObject])
                else {
                    // Data is nil.
            } catch let error as NSError {
                print("json error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        // Could not make url. Is the url bad?
        // You could call the completion handler (callback) here with some value indicating an error


let urlString = "https://bucketname.s3.amazonaws.com/test.txt"

        restRequest(url: urlString, method: "PUT", sBody: sData, params: [       "Date" : "20180125T214827Z"  ]) {
            (result) in

            // Handle result here.
            print("restRequest result : \(result)")