
Duplicate File Pointer at the same position

大家好, 我有这个代码:

int lenInput;
char input[64], buffer[512], temp[512], *ret, tagName[] = "<name>", tagItem[] = "<item ";
bool deleted = false;
FILE *fp, *fpTemp = NULL;

if(! (fp = fopen(nameFile, "r+")) ) {
    perror("Error Opening File");

printf("Insert the Name of the service you want to erase... ");
fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);

lenInput = (int) strlen(input);
input[lenInput-1] = '[=10=]';
lenInput = (int) strlen(input);

do {
    fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
    buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '[=10=]';

    if( (ret = strstr(buffer, tagName)) != NULL ) {
        if( strncmp(ret, tagName, strlen(tagName)) == 0 ) {
            if( (ret = strstr(ret, input)) != NULL ) {
                 if( strncmp(ret, input, lenInput) == 0 ) {
                     snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "<item present=\"false\">\n");
                     fputs(temp, fpTemp);

                     deleted = true;
    else if( (ret = strstr(buffer, tagItem)) != NULL ) {
        if( strncmp(ret, tagItem, strlen(tagItem)) == 0 ) {
             fpTemp = fdopen( dup ( fileno(fp) ), "r+");     /* associates a stream with the existing file descriptor, fd */
} while( (deleted != true) && (!(feof(fp))) );

if(deleted == false)
    printf("Error: Service Not Found!\n");
    printf("Success: Service Erased!\n");


<item present="true">
<item present="true">

主文件指针 (FILE *fp) 在 main().

我的想法是如果我找到标签 <item ...> 就复制文件指针 fp(在原型中传递),因为如果这个标签链接到服务的名称我想擦除,我必须替换整个 <item ...> 字符串。

但是,我有一个问题...当我执行 snprintf()fputs() 时,文件在文件开头被覆盖,因为恕我直言,我认为文件指针不重复。



您不需要复制文件指针,您需要使用ftell() / fseek()。没有错误处理的小代码。 (所以请不要在没有通过检查returns添加错误处理的情况下复制它)。

FILE *f = fopen(f, "r");

// do various things with file
long where_am_i = ftell(f); // if it fails, -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.

// Do stuff requiring moving cursor in f stream

fseek(f, SEEK_SET, where_am_i); // same returns convention as ftell()
// You moved cursor back, you can start reading again

此外,您似乎可以使用 fgetpos()fsetpos()