Embarcadero:如何使用 TBase64Encoding 的 EncodeBytesToString 方法

Embarcadero: How to use TBase64Encoding's EncodeBytesToString method

我正在尝试使用 TBase64Encoding class 的 EncodeBytesToString 方法将字节数组转换为 base64 编码的字符串。 EncodeBytesToStringdocumentation 状态:

"Returns a string with the input array of bytes encoded up to the specified number of bytes."


TFile * File = new TFile();

TBytes Bytes = File->ReadAllBytes("D:\Sample.pdf");

TBase64Encoding * Encoder = new TBase64Encoding();

String EncodedBytes = Encoder->EncodeBytesToString(Bytes, Bytes.Length);


E2285 Could not find a match for 'TNetEncoding::EncodeBytesToString(TByteDynArray,int)'

我很困惑,因为文档似乎说我应该将一个 TBytes 对象和一个 int 传递给这个函数。我在这里错过了什么?


String __fastcall BytesToBase64( TByteDynArray _ArrayIn )
    TBase64Encoding * Encoding = new TBase64Encoding( 64, '\n' );
    String Result = Encoding->EncodeBytesToString( &_ArrayIn[0], _ArrayIn.High );
    delete Encoding;
    return Result;
TByteDynArray __fastcall Base64ToBytes( String _64String )
    TByteDynArray My64Bytes = _64String.BytesOf();
    return TNetEncoding::Base64->Decode(&My64Bytes[0], My64Bytes.High);