Yii2:如何在 mPDF 中添加模型和模型 ID

Yii2: how to add model and model id in mPDF

我需要根据我的观点生成 pdf,我正在使用 kartik mPDF,


public function actionInvoicesPrint()
    $pdf = new Pdf([
        'mode'    => Pdf::MODE_CORE, // leaner size using standard fonts
        'content' => $this->renderPartial('view', ['model' => $model, 'mode' => Pdf::MODE_CORE,
            'format'=> Pdf::FORMAT_A4,
            'orientation'=> Pdf::ORIENT_POTRAIT,
            'destination'=> Pdf::DEST_BROWSER]),
    return $pdf->render();

获取错误 Undefined variable: model。我按照上面的方法尝试了,但得到了同样的错误。


public function actionView($id)
        $searchModel  = new InvoicesSearch();
        $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);
        $data         = Invoices::findOne($id);
        return $this->render('view', [
            'model'        => $this->findModel($id),
            'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
            'searchModel'  => $searchModel,
            'data'         => $data,

在您的 actionInvocePrint 中,您没有分配 $model

下面是我的工作 pdf 样本(kartik mPDF 就像你的一样)

    $model = $this->findModel($id);

     // get your HTML raw content without any layouts or scripts
    //$this->layout = 'pdfmain';

    $content = $this->renderPartial('_mpdf_report_scheda',  [
            'model' => $model,
            'imglink' => $imglink,

    if ($print ) {
        $setJS = 'this.print();';
    else {
         $setJS ='';
    // setup kartik\mpdf\Pdf component
    $pdf = new Pdf([
    // set to use core fonts only
    'mode' => Pdf::MODE_BLANK,
    // A4 paper format
    'format' => Pdf::FORMAT_A4,
    // portrait orientation
    'orientation' => Pdf::ORIENT_PORTRAIT,
    // stream to browser inline
    'destination' => Pdf::DEST_BROWSER,
    // your html content input
    'content' => $content,

正如您在这部分代码中所见..首先获取模型,然后使用此 $model 定义具有适当视图的 renderPartial..

传递 $id 你的动作应该是

public function actionInvoicesPrint($id)

为此你 URL 调用应该

  Url::to(['/your-controller/Invoices-print' , 'id' => $your_id]);


public function actionInvoicesPrint($id)
        $model   = $this->findModel($id);
        $searchModel  = new InvoicesSearch();
        $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);
        $data         = Invoices::findOne($id);
        $content = $this->renderPartial('view', ['model' => $model,'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,'searchModel'  => $searchModel,'data'=> $data]);
        $pdf     = new Pdf([
            // set to use core fonts only
            'mode'        => Pdf::MODE_BLANK,
            // A4 paper format
            'format'      => Pdf::FORMAT_A4,
            // portrait orientation
            'orientation' => Pdf::ORIENT_PORTRAIT,
            // stream to browser inline
            'destination' => Pdf::DEST_BROWSER,
            // your html content input
            'content'     => $content,
        return $pdf->render();


                                        echo Html::a('<i class="fa glyphicon glyphicon-hand-up"></i> Privacy Statement', ['/invoices/invoices-print', 'id' => $model->id], [
    'class'=>'btn btn-danger', 
    'title'=>'Will open the generated PDF file in a new window'