自托管解析是否仍通过 facebook 和推送通知处理身份验证

Does self hosted parse still handled authentication via facebook and push notifications

我有一个 android 应用程序,我已经使用 Facebook SDK 4.0 实现了社交登录并且它工作正常。


现在我在 heroku 上托管了一个解析服务器,我可以正确地存储和检索对象,我也可以添加用户并正确地验证他们。

我想使用我自己托管的解析服务器实现 Facebook 登录功能,但我很困惑它是否仍然存在于开源服务器端代码中。

我查看了一个旧教程,他们从解析仪表板转到身份验证并启用 facebook 身份验证,然后添加 facebook appId 和应用程序机密,但在我的自托管解析中我没有找到它,但我仍然能够使用 ParseFacebookUtils 来自我的客户端。




Parse open source vs.old parse service


Social login is possible only through Facebook. It is supposed to login through Twitter as well by referencing facebook.js and RestWrite.js. But there are open issues reported on OAuth. But the good news is, with the Parse open source it is possible to login with facebook, twitter, google, meetup, GitHub, LinkedIn and Instagram.


Push notification is available on Parse Server, but it requires effort on implementation. But it is missing on the dashboard through which the user could have managed push notifications. ‘PushAdapter’ which lets Parse Server send push notifications using any push provider abstracts the way pushes are sent so that you can easily connect it to any service that exposes an API for sending. This feature was the most requested one and Parse has recently promised to open source it.