使用 Word 2007 随机造句 VBA

Random sentence creation using Word 2007 VBA

如何使用 VBA 在 word 中创建随机句子?

例如,下面的代码创建了一个句子 the cat sat on the mat1。 我想声明 words 代替 i.

是否可以使用 VBA?

    Sub Randomsentence()
    Dim text As String
    Dim s As String
    MyText = "The cat sat on the"
    i = Int(4 * Rnd())
    Selection.TypeText (MyText)
    Selection.TypeText (i)
    End Sub

下面声明一个数组并用单词填充它。然后从数组中随机选择一个词并添加到句子中(为简单起见显示为 MsgBox):

Sub Randomsentence()
    Dim MyText As String
    Dim s(5) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    s(1) = "mat"
    s(2) = "floor"
    s(3) = "roof"
    s(4) = "car"
    s(5) = "garage"
    MyText = "The cat sat on the "
    i = Int(5 * Rnd())
    MsgBox MyText & s(i)
End Sub
