如何确定 HVect 的所有子维度?

How to determine all sub-dimensions of a HVect?

我想将 HVect 的所有子维度确定为 HVect


import Data.HVect

myHVect : HVect [Int, String, List Nat]
myHVect = [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]]

subDimensions : HVect [ HVect [Int], HVect [Int, String], HVect [Int, String, List Nat] ]
subDimensions = subDimHVect myHVect
-- [ [42], [42, "text"], [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]] ]


subDimHVect v = subDimHVect' [] [] v
    subDimHVect' result _ [] = result
    subDimHVect' result lastDim (x::xs) =
      let nextDim = lastDim ++ [x] in
      subDimHVect' (result ++ [nextDim]) nextDim xs

但我不知道如何正确输入 subDimHVectsubDimHVect'。实施似乎没问题:


subDimHVect [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]]
  = subDimHVect' [] [] [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]]
  = subDimHVect' [[42]] [42] ["text", [1, 2, 3]]
  = subDimHVect' [[42], [42, "text"]] [42, "text"] [[1, 2, 3]]
  = subDimHVect' [[42], [42, "text"], [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]]] [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]] []
  = [[42], [42, "text"], [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]]]

我对 Idris 和依赖类型还很陌生。如果能帮我找到丢失的类型签名,我将不胜感激。

编辑: 我发现了另一种可能更容易输入的方法,尽管我也无法弄清楚类型 ():

subDimHVect v = reverse (subDimHVect' (reverse v))
    subDimHVect' [] = []
    subDimHVect' (x::xs) = [(x::xs)] ++ (subDimHVect' xs)


subDimHVect [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]]
  = reverse (subDimHVect' (reverse [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]]))
  = reverse (subDimHVect' [[1, 2, 3], "text", 42])
  = reverse ([ [[1, 2, 3], "text", 42] ] ++ (subDimHVect' ["text", 42]))
  = reverse ([ [[1, 2, 3], "text", 42] ] ++ [ ["text", 42] ] ++ (subDimHVect' [42]))
  = reverse ([ [[1, 2, 3], "text", 42] ] ++ [ ["text", 42] ] ++ [ [42] ] ++ (subDimHVect' []))
  = reverse ([ [[1, 2, 3], "text", 42] ] ++ [ ["text", 42] ] ++ [ [42] ] ++ [])
  = reverse ([ [[1, 2, 3], "text", 42], ["text", 42], [42] ])
  = [ [42], [42, "text"], [42, "text", [1, 2, 3]] ]


subDimensions : HVect ts -> HVect xs

xs 将被视为隐式参数(如在 subDimensions : {ts : Vect n Type} -> {xs : Vect k Type} -> HVect ts -> HVect xs 中),因此调用者可以说明结果 HVect 的样子。那是不对的。我们可以同时创建 xs(如果您了解如何操作,请参阅此答案的历史记录):

subDimensions : HVect {k} ts -> (xs : (Vect k Type) ** HVect xs)


subDimensions : HVect ts -> HVect (dimType ts)


dimType : Vect k Type -> Vect k Type
dimType [] = []
dimType (x :: xs) = (HVect (vreverse (x::xs))) :: dimType xs

并根据类型的结构,我们定义了助手 subDimensions':

subDimensions' : HVect ts -> HVect (dimType ts)
subDimensions' [] = []
subDimensions' (x :: xs) = (hreverse (x :: xs)) :: subDimensions' xs


subDimensions : HVect ts -> HVect (vreverse (dimType (vreverse ts)))
subDimensions xs = hreverse $ subDimensions' $ hreverse xs

hreversevreverse 的定义参见