Linq Distinct 不返回预期值

Linq Distinct not returning expected values


注意:Id 和 Id2 值是字符串


public class UpsellSimpleComparer : IEqualityComparer<UpsellProduct>
    public bool Equals(UpsellProduct x, UpsellProduct y)
        return x.Id == y.Id && x.Id2 == y.Id2;

    public int GetHashCode(UpsellProduct obj)
        return obj.GetHashCode();


var upsellProducts = (Settings.SelectedSeatingPageGuids.Contains(CurrentItem.ID.ToString())) ?
                              GetAOSUpsellProducts(selectedProductIds) : GetGeneralUpsellProducts(selectedProductIds);

// we use a special comparer here so that same items are not included
var comparer = new UpsellSimpleComparer();
return upsellProducts.Distinct(comparer);

很可能 UpsellProduct 具有 GetHashCode 的默认实现,即每个引用类型实例的 returns 唯一值。

要修复 - 在 UpsellProduct 或比较器中正确实施一个。

public class UpsellSimpleComparer : IEqualityComparer<UpsellProduct>
   public bool Equals(UpsellProduct x, UpsellProduct y)
       return x.Id == y.Id && x.Id2 == y.Id2;

   // sample, correct GetHashCode is a bit more complex
   public int GetHashCode(UpsellProduct obj)
      return obj.Id.GetHashCode() ^ obj.Id2.GetHashCode();


注意更好的代码来计算组合 GetHashCode 检查 Concise way to combine field hashcodes? and Is it possible to combine hash codes for private members to generate a new hash code?

您的 GetHashCode() 没有 return 相同的值,即使两个 UpsellProduct 实例被您的 Equals() 方法视为相等。


public int GetHashCode(UpsellProduct obj)
    return obj.Id.GetHashCode() ^ obj.Id2.GetHashCode();