Java 创建一个与 java.lang.string class 中的 str.indexOf() 执行相同操作的方法

Java making a method that does the same thing as str.indexOf() from the java.lang.string class

作为练习,我正在尝试制作一个方法,该方法将一个字符串和一个字符作为用户输入,并查找该字符串是否包含该字符。如果有,它将 return 找到的索引,如果没有,它将 return -1.


      StringIndexOfChar.indexOf(String str, char ch) {

       for (int i=0; i <= str.length(); i++) {

       if (ch == str.charAt(i)) {
       return i; }}

       return -1; }


//method declarations need to declare the return type, name, and arguments
int indexOf(String s, char ch) {

 //loop over each index in the string
 for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {

  //if the char at this index is the one we are looking for
  if (ch == s.charAt(i)) {

   //return the index it was found it
   return i;

 //if we look at each char and do not find the one we want, return -1
 return -1;
