如何使用 VBA 查找一个范围是否包含在另一个范围内?

How to find if a range is included in another range using VBA?

我在比较两个范围时遇到问题。为简单起见,我将采用两个简单的范围 M6:M10M6:M8,我想知道第二个是否包含在第一个中,而我的第一件事是写

    Sub example()
    Dim range1, range2, inte As range
        Set range1 = range("M6:M10")
        Set range2 = range("M6:M8")
        Set intersec = Intersect(range1, range2)
        If intersec = range2 Then
            [if statement]
        End If
    End Sub


PRB: Error 13 (Type Mismatch) & Error 3061 w/ SQL Queries

所以也许我不能以这种方式使用方法 "intersect"...关于如何测试范围包含的任何提示? 非常感谢!


If Application.Intersect(rng1, rng2) Is Nothing Then 
End if

你可以去掉else或者写Not nothing,这取决于你想要达到什么。


Sub ProperSubSet()
    Dim range1 As Range, range2 As Range, inte As Range
    Dim r As Range

    Set range1 = Range("M6:M10")
    Set range2 = Range("M6:M8")

    For Each r In range2
        If Intersect(r, range1) Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "range2 is not a proper subset of range1"
        Exit Sub
        End If
    Next r
    MsgBox "range2 is a proper subset of range1"
End Sub

首先,将 range1 和 range2 变量声明为范围。

然后当你比较 intersec 变量和 range2 变量时,使用 range 方法的地址 属性 来比较内容。


Sub example()
Dim range1 As Range, range2 As Range, intersec As Range
    Set range1 = Range("M6:M10")
    Set range2 = Range("M11:M12")
    Set intersec = Intersect(range1, range2)
    If Not intersec Is Nothing Then
        If intersec.Address = range2.Address Then
            '[CODE GOES HERE]
        End If
    End If
End Sub


Sub Test()
    Dim R1 As Range, R2 As Range, R3 As Range

    Set R1 = Application.InputBox("Select first range", , , , , , , 8)
    Set R2 = Application.InputBox("Select second range", , , , , , , 8)

    Set R3 = Intersect(R1, R2)
    If Not R3 Is Nothing Then
        If R3.Address = R1.Address Then
            MsgBox "First Range is subset of second"
        ElseIf R3.Address = R2.Address Then
            MsgBox "Second Range is subset of first"
            MsgBox "Neither range contained in the other"
        End If
        MsgBox "Ranges are disjoint"
    End If

End Sub


Sub ProperSubSet2()
    Dim range1 As Range, range2 As Range
    Set range1 = [M6:M10]
    Set range2 = [M6:M8]
    Set rComp = Intersect(range2, range1)

    If Not rComp Is Nothing Then
        If rComp.Cells.Count = range2.Cells.Count Then
            MsgBox "range2 is a proper subset of range1"
            MsgBox "range2 is not a proper subset of range1"
        End If
        MsgBox "Both ranges aren't intersected at all!"
    End If

End Sub


Sub TestExample()
    Dim Range1 As Range: Set Range1 = Range("M6:M10")
    Dim Range2 As Range: Set Range2 = Range("M6:M8")
    MsgBox Example(Range1, Range2)
End Sub

Function Example(Range1 As Range, Range2 As Range) As Integer
    Dim Overlay As Range: Set Overlay = Application.Intersect(Range1, Range2)
    If Not Overlay Is Nothing Then
        If Overlay.Address = Range1.Address Then Example = Example + 1
        If Overlay.Address = Range2.Address Then Example = Example + 2
    End If
End Function

函数将 return 如果没有范围完全包含在另一个范围内,则为 0;如果第一个范围包含在第二个范围内,则为 1;如果第二个范围包含在第一个范围内,则为 2;如果范围是等于

对于一种更强大的解决方案,适用于具有多个区域的范围、彼此不同的工作表上的范围、具有大量单元格的范围(所以 .CountLarge,而不是 .Count),那么这将起作用:

Function RangeContainsRange(BigRange As Range, SmallRange As Range) As Boolean
    If BigRange.Parent Is SmallRange.Parent Then
        RangeContainsRange = Application.Union(BigRange, SmallRange).Cells.CountLarge = BigRange.Cells.CountLarge
        RangeContainsRange = False
    End If
End Function