Bash 脚本无故失败

Bash script failing of no reason

我有这个 bash 脚本(实际上是 的一部分,我自己添加了 echo):

echo "[DEBUG] chmod done"

framework=$($dir/bin/detect )

echo "[DEBUG] $framework done"


[DEBUG] chmod done
Staging failed: Buildpack compilation step failed

而且我根本没有在日志中看到第二个回声。 不幸的是,我知道的不多bash。谁能向我解释在什么情况下第一个回声执行而第二个不执行?我一直认为无论第二行是否成功,这两个 echo 应该总是有效。


set -e

这意味着每当发生错误时立即停止处理脚本。注释该行,脚本应该 运行 通过并打印第二个 echo 语句。

请注意,我没有检查脚本实际做了什么,我无法告诉您注释掉 set -e 是否真的是个好建议。

来自man set

−e: When this option is on, when any command fails (for any of the reasons listed in Section 2.8.1, Consequences of Shell Errors or by returning an exit status greater than zero), the shell immediately shall exit with the following excep‐ tions:

   1. The failure of any individual command in a multi-command pipeline shall not
      cause the shell to exit. Only the failure of the pipeline itself  shall  be

   2. The  −e setting shall be ignored when executing the compound list following
      the while, until, if, or elif reserved word, a pipeline beginning with  the
      !  reserved word, or any command of an AND-OR list other than the last.

   3. If  the exit status of a compound command other than a subshell command was
      the result of a failure while −e was being ignored, then −e shall not apply
      to this command.

  This requirement applies to the shell environment and each subshell environment
  separately. For example, in:

      set -e; (false; echo one) | cat; echo two

  the false command causes the subshell to exit without executing echo one;  how‐
  ever, echo two is executed because the exit status of the pipeline (false; echo
  one) | cat is zero.