R 两个逗号分隔的字符串之间的匹配

R match between two comma-separated strings



备选方案 2:




match1 = data.frame(merge(vcf.df, ref.df, by=c("chr", "start", "end",  "ref")))
matches = unique(match1[unlist(sapply(match1$Alt1 grep, match1$Alt2, fixed=TRUE)),])

第二种方法,使用 VariantAnnoatation/Granges 中的 findoverlaps 功能:

findoverlaps(ranges(vcf1), ranges(vcf2)) 


解决方案 感谢@Marat Talipov 在下面的回答,以下解决方案可以比较两个逗号分隔的字符串:

> ##read in edited kaviar vcf and human ref
> ref <-     readVcfAsVRanges("ref.vcf.gz", humie_ref)
Warning message:
In .vcf_usertag(map, tag, ...) :
  ScanVcfParam ‘geno’ fields not present: ‘AD’

> ##rename chromosomes to match with vcf files
> ref <- renameSeqlevels(ref, c("1"="chr1"))

> ##################################
> ## Gather VCF files to process  ## 
> ##################################
> ##data frame *.vcf.gz files in directory path
> vcf_path <- data.frame(path=list.files(vcf_dir, pattern="*.vcf.gz$",  full=TRUE))

> ##read in everything but sample data for speediness
> vcf_param = ScanVcfParam(samples=NA)
> vcf <- readVcfAsVRanges("test.vcf.gz", humie_ref, param=vcf_param)

> #################
> ## Match SNP's ##
> #################
> ##create data frames of info to match on
> vcf.df = data.frame(chr =as.character(seqnames(vcf)), start = start(vcf),     end = end(vcf), ref = as.character(ref(vcf)), 
+                     alt=alt(vcf), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> ref.df = data.frame(chr =as.character(seqnames(ref)), start =     start(ref), end = end(ref), 
+                     ref = as.character(ref(ref)), alt=alt(ref),     stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> ##merge based on all positional fields except vcf
> col_match = data.frame(merge(vcf.df, ref.df, by=c("chr", "start", "end", "ref")))

> library(stringi)
> ##split each alt column by comma and bind together
> M1 <- stri_list2matrix(sapply(col_match$alt.x,strsplit,','))
> M2 <- stri_list2matrix(sapply(col_match$alt.y,strsplit,','))
> M <- rbind(M1,M2)

> ##compare results
> result <- apply(M,2,function(z) unique(na.omit(z[duplicated(z)])))

> ##add results column to col_match df for checking/subsetting
> col_match$match = result
> head(col_match)
   chr    start      end ref alt.x alt.y match
1 chr1 39998059 39998059   A     G     G     G
2 chr1 39998059 39998059   A     G     G     G
3 chr1 39998084 39998084   C     A     A     A
4 chr1 39998084 39998084   C     A     A     A
5 chr1 39998085 39998085   G     A     A     A
6 chr1 39998085 39998085   G     A     A     A



M1 <- stri_list2matrix(sapply(Alt1,strsplit,','))
M2 <- stri_list2matrix(sapply(Alt2,strsplit,','))
M <- rbind(M1,M2)

result <- apply(M,2,function(z) unique(na.omit(z[duplicated(z)])))


Alt1 <- list('AT','A','G','CGTCC,AT','CGC','GG,CC')
Alt2 <- list('AA','A','GG','AT,GGT','CG','GG,CC')


# [[1]]
# character(0)
# [[2]]
# [1] "A"
# [[3]]
# character(0)
# [[4]]
# [1] "AT"
# [[5]]
# character(0)
# [[6]]
# [1] "GG" "CC"


Alt1 <- list('AT','A','G',c('CGTCC','AT'),'CGC')
Alt2 <- list('AA','A','GG',c('AT','GGT'),'CG')
# make sure you change the lists within in the lists into vectors

matchlist <- list()
for (i in 1:length(Alt1)){
  matchlist[[i]] <- ifelse(Alt1[[i]] %in% Alt2[[i]], 
                           paste("Row",i,"=",c(Alt1[[i]],Alt2[[i]])[duplicated(c(Alt1[[i]],Alt2[[i]]))],sep=" "),
                           paste("Row",i,"= none",sep=" ")) 

坚持使用 stringi 包,您可以使用 Marat 的回答中的 Alt1Alt2 数据来做这样的事情。


f <- function(x, y) {
    ssf <- stri_split_fixed(c(x, y), ",", simplify = TRUE)
    if(any(sd <- stri_duplicated(ssf))) ssf[sd] else NA_character_

Map(f, Alt1, Alt2)
# [[1]]
# [1] NA
# [[2]]
# [1] "A"
# [[3]]
# [1] NA
# [[4]]
# [1] "AT"
# [[5]]
# [1] NA
# [[6]]
# [1] "GG" "CC"

或者在 base R 中,我们可以使用 scan() 用逗号分隔字符串。

g <- function(x, y, sep = ",") {
    s <- scan(text = c(x, y), what = "", sep = sep, quiet = TRUE)
Map(g, Alt1, Alt2)