具有拆分功能的 Perl 正则表达式

Perl regular expression with split function

我编写了一个函数来解析在 linux 框上执行的命令的输出。我希望函数解析命令输出和 return 输出到调用函数。我想解析输出以获得 0/9999 (0%) 和 return 0 和 9999。(注意:这些数字不是静态的。它可以是任意数量的数字。例如 4567/100000 (45%))。我猜我使用的正则表达式不正确。我得到的输出为 0.


Connecting to host, port 7775
[  4] local port 37675 connected to port 7775
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bandwidth       Total Datagrams
[  4]   0.00-2.40   sec  5.49 MBytes  19.2 Mbits/sec  10000
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bandwidth       Jitter    Lost/Total Datagrams
[  4]   0.00-2.40   sec  5.49 MBytes  19.2 Mbits/sec  5.958 ms  0/9999 (0%)
[  4] Sent 9999 datagrams

iperf Done.


sub test_output {

    my ($self) = @_;
    my $packets = 0;

    $self->{output_obj}->_exec('enter the command here');

    my @output = $self->{output_obj}->out();

    foreach my $line (@output) {
        if ($line =~ /(\d+\/\d+\s.*)/) {

            packets = 
    my @values = split('/', $packets);
    foreach my $val (@values) {
        return "$val\n";


$self->{'client'} = $self->{'exec_obj'}->test_output()

函数的预期 return 值:

lost  : 0
total  : 9999
lost percentage: 0%
sub test_output {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->{output_obj}->_exec('enter the command here');

    my @output = $self->{output_obj}->out();

    foreach my $line (@output) {
        if ($line =~ m/(\d+)\/(\d+)\s\((\d+%)\)/) {
            my ($lost, $total, $percentage) = (, , );

            return ($lost, $total, $percentage);

my ($lost, $total, $percentage) = $self->{'exec_obj'}->test_output()