java 使用 bouncycastle 签署 public pgp 密钥

java sign public pgp key with bouncycastle

我有一个疑问.. 据推测,我必须使用 bouncycastle api 签署一个 pgp public 密钥。 现在:根据我的理解,用另一个密钥签名意味着最终向这个 public 密钥添加一个 "certificate"。 因此没有任何其他方法,我在图书馆盲目搜索。 到目前为止,我唯一的发现是 PGPSignatureGenerator 中的 generateCertification 方法。但是这种方法会在主 PgpPublicKey 和另一个 PgpPublicKey 之间生成证书。这让我觉得很奇怪: 我假设为了信任另一个 public 密钥,必须使用您自己的私人 pgp 密钥对其进行签名,就像在具有 CA 认证的常规 x.509 中一样。 这是我在尝试从其他库中获得一些想法时看到的一些方法的假设:例如,didisoft 在密钥库上有一个类似的方法,您必须在其中提供 PgpPrivatekey keyuid ...

有人有任何提示或一段代码可以提出吗? 提前致谢。

这是签署 public 密钥的代码示例:

    PGPSecretKey mySecretKey;
    PGPPublicKey publicKeyToBeSigned; 
    PGPPrivateKey pgpPrivKey = mySecretKey
            .extractPrivateKey(new JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder()
                    .setProvider("BC").build("password for your private key"));
    PGPSignatureGenerator signatureGenerator = new PGPSignatureGenerator(
            new JcaPGPContentSignerBuilder(mySecretKey.getPublicKey()
                    .getAlgorithm(), PGPUtil.SHA512));
    signatureGenerator.init(PGPSignature.DIRECT_KEY, pgpPrivKey);

    PGPSignature signature = signatureGenerator.generateCertification(
            id, publicKeyToBeSigned);

这段代码只是创建签名。您需要将它添加到您的 public 键然后:

PGPPublicKey.addCertification(publicKeyToBeSigned, signature);



 * Signs a public key
 * @param publicKeyRing a public key ring containing the single public key to sign
 * @param id the id we are certifying against the public key
 * @param secretKey the signing key
 * @param secretKeyPassword the signing key password
 * @return a public key ring with the signed public key
public static PGPPublicKeyRing signPublicKey( PGPPublicKeyRing publicKeyRing, String id, PGPSecretKey secretKey,
                                              String secretKeyPassword ) throws PGPException
        PGPPublicKey oldKey = publicKeyRing.getPublicKey();

        PGPPrivateKey pgpPrivKey = secretKey.extractPrivateKey(
                new JcePBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder().setProvider( provider )
                                                     .build( secretKeyPassword.toCharArray() ) );

        PGPSignatureGenerator signatureGenerator = new PGPSignatureGenerator(
                new JcaPGPContentSignerBuilder( secretKey.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm(), PGPUtil.SHA1 ) );

        signatureGenerator.init( PGPSignature.DEFAULT_CERTIFICATION, pgpPrivKey );

        PGPSignature signature = signatureGenerator.generateCertification( id, oldKey );

        PGPPublicKey newKey = PGPPublicKey.addCertification( oldKey, signature );

        PGPPublicKeyRing newPublicKeyRing = PGPPublicKeyRing.removePublicKey( publicKeyRing, oldKey );

        return PGPPublicKeyRing.insertPublicKey( newPublicKeyRing, newKey );
    catch ( Exception e )
        //throw custom  exception
        throw new PGPException( "Error signing public key", e );

 * Verifies that a public key is signed with another public key
 * @param keyToVerify the public key to verify
 * @param id the id we are verifying against the public key
 * @param keyToVerifyWith the key to verify with
 * @return true if verified, false otherwise
public static boolean verifyPublicKey( PGPPublicKey keyToVerify, String id, PGPPublicKey keyToVerifyWith )
        throws PGPException
        Iterator<PGPSignature> signIterator = keyToVerify.getSignatures();
        while ( signIterator.hasNext() )
            PGPSignature signature =;
            signature.init( new JcaPGPContentVerifierBuilderProvider().setProvider( provider ), keyToVerifyWith );
            if ( signature.verifyCertification( id.getBytes(), keyToVerify ) )
                return true;
        return false;
    catch ( Exception e )
        //throw custom  exception
        throw new PGPException( "Error verifying public key", e );