使用 C++ 检测惯用语计算任意可调用对象的参数

Counting arguments of an arbitrary callable with the C++ detection idiom

我一直在使用 C++ detection idiom create a metafunction for determining the number of arguments to an arbitrary callable. So far, I have this (full, compilable code at http://ideone.com/BcgDhv):

static constexpr auto max_num_args = 127;

struct any { template <typename T> operator T() { } };

template <typename F, typename... Args>
using callable_archetype = decltype( declval<F>()(declval<Args>()...) );
template <typename F, typename... Args>
using is_callable_with_args = is_detected<callable_archetype, F, Args...>;

template <typename F, size_t I = 0,  typename... Args>
struct count_args
  : conditional<is_callable_with_args<F, Args...>::value,
      integral_constant<size_t, I>,
      count_args<F, I+1, Args..., any>
{ };

template <typename F, typename... Args>
struct count_args<F, max_num_args, Args...> : integral_constant<size_t, max_num_args> { };

当 none 个可调用参数是左值引用时,这非常有用:

void foo(int i, int j) { }
static_assert(count_args<decltype(foo)>::value == 2, "");


void bar(char i, bool j, double& k);
static_assert(count_args<decltype(bar)>::value == 3, "doesn't work");



struct any    { template <typename T> operator T(); };
struct anyref { template <typename T> operator T&(); };

template <typename F, typename... Args>
using callable_archetype = decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::declval<Args>()...) );
template <typename F, typename... Args>
using is_callable_with_args = std::is_detected<callable_archetype, F, Args...>;

template <typename F, size_t I = 0,  typename... Args>
struct count_args
  : std::conditional<is_callable_with_args<F, Args...>::value,
      std::integral_constant<std::size_t, I>,
                             std::min(count_args<F, I+1, Args..., any>::value,
                                      count_args<F, I+1, Args..., anyref>::value)>

template <typename F, typename... Args>
struct count_args<F, max_num_args, Args...> :
    std::integral_constant<std::size_t, max_num_args> {};



根据@Jarod42 的答案,any 的稍微好一点的定义似乎在绝大多数情况下都可以解决问题(不包括导致 callable_archetype 成为替换错误的情况出于其他原因;例如,类 具有已删除的复制构造函数,其调用无论如何都无效):

struct any {
  template <typename T,
    typename = enable_if_t<
      not is_same<T, remove_reference_t<T>>::value
  operator T();

  template <typename T,
    typename = enable_if_t<
      is_same<T, remove_reference_t<T>>::value
  operator T&();

  template <typename T,
    typename = enable_if_t<
      is_same<T, remove_reference_t<T>>::value
  operator T&&();




struct any { template <typename T> operator T() { } };


struct any {
  template <typename T> operator T&&() { }
  template <typename T> operator T&() { }

live example
