
Finding paths in (DAG) directed acyclic graph given destination


let reportStructure = [|(2, 1); (3, 2); (4, 2); (5, 3); (6, 4); (7, 3)|]

元组中的第一个 int 向第二个 int 报告。


let orgMap = Map.ofArray reporting

从那里,我可以很容易地得到一个向 2 报告的所有整数的列表

|> Map.filter (fun _ key -> key = 2)


map [(3, 2); (4, 2)]

然而,我真正想看到的是整个结构,从 2 一直向下。例如,我想找到一种可以给我样本输出的方法

map [(3, 2); (4, 2); (5, 3); (6, 4); (7, 3)]

如果我要找人 2 或

map [(5, 3); (7, 3)]

如果我对第 3 个人感兴趣。

我可以这样做吗?如果是这样,如何?除了 map 之外,还有其他结构可以更好地实现这一目标吗?


我假设你想获得一对整数列表 "numbers" 直接或间接报告给某些 "root"。 这是一个简单但效率低下的解决方案:

let reportStructure = [|(2, 1); (3, 2); (4, 2); (5, 3); (6, 4); (7, 3)|]

let reportStructureSet = 
    reportStructure |> Set.ofArray

let reportingDirectlyTo root raportsToSet = 
    |> Set.filter(fun (_, key) -> key = root) 

let addNextGeneration previousIteration raportsToSet = 
    let numbersLowerInHierarchy = previousIteration |> Set.map fst
    raportsToSet |> Set.filter(
        // select only those elements from raportsToSet...
        fun (num, supervisor) -> 
            // ...which either are already in previousIteration 
            (Set.contains (num, supervisor) previousIteration) || 
            // ...or are "below" someone from previousIteration
            (Set.contains supervisor numbersLowerInHierarchy))

let reportingDirectlyOrIndirectlyTo root raportsToSet = 
    // applies addNextGeneration until is "stabilizes" on some value
    let rec fixPointHelper previousIteration = 
        let nextIteration = addNextGeneration previousIteration raportsToSet
        if nextIteration = previousIteration
            then nextIteration
            else fixPointHelper nextIteration

    // set of numbers directly reporting to root
    let reportsDirectly = reportingDirectlyTo root raportsToSet
    // start "iteration" using numbers directly reporting to root
    fixPointHelper reportsDirectly

let reportingDirectlyOrIndirectlyToList root raportsToSet =
    reportingDirectlyOrIndirectlyTo root raportsToSet
    |> Set.toList

如果您想实施有效的解决方案,您应该将 reportStructureSet 解释为以下方式的图表:

  • ints是顶点
  • 一对int是有向边

然后使用 DFS.

简单地检查从 "root" 可以到达哪些边

由于 OCaml 接近于 F#,并且试图在 F# 中找到拓扑排序没有找到任何有用的东西,所以我寻找了 OCaml 代码。

我发现 An Introduction to Objective Caml 使用深度优先搜索解决了您的问题,并将其用作此答案的基础。另外,由于您是 F# 的新手,您可以查看文档并查看代码是如何派生的。奇怪的是,我在发布后查看了文档的其余部分,他在文档的后面有一个更高级的 DFS 版本。

你的输入是一个数组 [| |] 但你的答案是一个列表 [] 所以我做了大部分工作作为列表。


    let reportStructure = [|(2, 1); (3, 2); (4, 2); (5, 3); (6, 4); (7, 3)|]

    //  6 -> 4 -> 2
    //  5 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 
    //  7 -> 3

    // val revStructure : tl:('a * 'b) list -> ('b * 'a) list
    let revStructure tl = List.map (fun (a,b) -> (b,a)) tl

    // val mem : item:'a -> list:'a list -> bool when 'a : equality
    let mem item list = List.exists (fun x -> x = item) list 

    // val successors : n:'a -> edges:('a * 'b) list -> 'b list when 'a : equality
    let successors n edges = 
        let matching (s,_) = s = n
        List.map snd (List.filter matching edges)

    // val dist : pred:'a -> succs:'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
    let dist pred succs = List.map (fun y -> (pred,y)) succs

    // val dfsPairs : edges:('a * 'a) list -> start:'a -> ('a * 'a) list when 'a : equality
    let dfsPairs edges start =
        let rec dfsPairsInner edges visited start result = 
            match start with 
            | [] -> List.rev (revStructure result) 
            | n::nodes -> 
                if mem n visited then 
                    dfsPairsInner edges visited nodes result
                    let predecessors = dist n (successors n edges)
                    let result =
                        match predecessors with
                        | [] -> result
                        | _ -> predecessors @ result
                    dfsPairsInner edges (n::visited) ((successors n edges) @ nodes) result
        dfsPairsInner edges [] [start] []

    let revEdges = revStructure (List.ofArray reportStructure)

    let result = dfsPairs revEdges 2
    // val result : (int * int) list = [(4, 2); (3, 2); (7, 3); (5, 3); (6, 4)]

    let result = dfsPairs revEdges 3
    // val result : (int * int) list = [(7, 3); (5, 3)]

我喜欢 f# 拼图,所以我试了一下这个。我希望你喜欢。

let orgList = [(2, 1); (3, 2); (4, 2); (5, 3); (6, 4); (7, 3)]

let orgMap =
    |> List.fold (fun acc item -> 
        let key = snd item
        match Map.tryFind key acc with 
        | Some(value) -> 
            let map' = Map.remove key acc
            Map.add(key) (item::value) map'
        | None -> 
            Map.add(key) (item::[]) acc
        ) Map.empty<int, (int*int) list> 

let findReports supervisor = 
    let rec findReports' acc collection = 
        match collection with 
        | head::tail -> 
            (findReports' (head::acc) tail) 
            @   match Map.tryFind (fst head) orgMap with
                | Some(value) -> (findReports' [] value)
                | None -> []
        | [] -> acc    
    findReports' [] (Map.find supervisor orgMap)    

findReports 2
|> List.map fst
|> List.distinct


val it : int list = [3; 4; 5; 7; 6]

findReports 2returns

val it : (int * int) list = [(3, 2); (4, 2); (5, 3); (7, 3); (6, 4)]


let orgList = [ (1, 2); (1, 3); (1, 4); (2, 5); (3, 6); (4, 5); (5, 6); (5, 7) ]


let orgMap =
    |> List.fold (fun acc item -> 
        let key = snd item
        match Map.tryFind key acc with 


        | Some(reports) -> 
            let map' = Map.remove key acc
            Map.add(key) (item::reports) map'


        | None -> 
            Map.add(key) (item::[]) acc


        ) Map.empty<int, (int*int) list> 


let findReports supervisor = 
    let rec findReports' acc collection = 
        match collection with 

如果有项,将其追加到累加器中。这就是 BFS。如果在连接运算符 (@) 前后切换表达式,它将变成 DFS。

        | head::tail -> 
            (findReports' (head::acc) tail) 


            @   match Map.tryFind (fst head) orgMap with
                | Some(value) -> (findReports' [] value)
                | None -> []

如果在列表末尾,return 列表。

        | [] -> acc    


    findReports' [] (Map.find supervisor orgMap)    

运行 函数。

findReports 7

Return 仅报告

|> List.map fst


|> List.distinct