SQL Server 2014 Express 静默安装没有选择目录提示

SQL Server 2014 Express Silent install without Choose directory prompt

我想使用 /qs 命令进行静默安装以安装 sql server 2014 express。我用2008 express安装过很多次都没有出现过这种问题



我认为 /qs(静默模式)不应该接受任何用户输入,这看起来像是 2014 版本中的一个缺陷。有什么想法吗?

There was a change in the self-extract Express packages in SQL Server 2014. The default location where payload is extracted was changed. That location can be specified on the UI or on the command line.

To preset the location on the UI run:
SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe /x:LocationToExtract

To extract payload to a specific location without prompt use and with the progress bar use: SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe /u /x:LocationToExtract

To extract payload to a specific location without prompt and silent use: SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe /q /x:LocationToExtract

There is an issue that /qs parameter is not recognized and cannot be used the same way as in SQL 2012. That issue will be addressed in SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1.

来自微软官方代表的回答。 Here



但是将 'q' 选项放在那里进行静默安装没有用。所以我将路径放入 ini 文件和命令字符串中的 q 选项,例如:

setup.exe /SAPWD="pass" /ConfigurationFile="A:\ConfigurationFile.ini" /q

SQL Server Express 版本(例如 2014)允许自己静默安装。 SQL表达式版的其他早期版本也是这样做的。

下载 Microsoft 安装程序后,例如: SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe

然后解压缩,如接受的答案 中所述,您可以更进一步并静默安装该产品。 以下是如何在转储虚拟测试位置安装 SQL Server Expression 2014 的示例。

setup.exe /q   /Action=Install /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms=True /Features=SQL /InstanceName=SQLExpressTest01  /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Builtin\Administrators" /SQLSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITY\Network Service" /INSTANCEDIR="c:\dev\dump\SQLExpressInstanceDir" /INSTALLSHAREDDIR="c:\dev\dump\SQLExpressInstanceDir"

setup.exe 的命令选项概述由 Microsoft 官方文档提供: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/940.how-to-embed-sql-server-express-in-an-application.aspx#advInstall

In the preceding examples:

/q – specifies that Setup run in a quiet mode without any user interface.
/Action – specifies which action to perform. In this example, the action is Install.
/Hideconsole – specifies that the console window is hidden or closed during the install.
/IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms - indicates acceptance of the Microsoft SQL Server license terms.
/Features – specifies which parent features and features to install. In this example, the parent feature SQL is installed, which includes SQLEngine, Replication, and Fulltext components. The Tools feature installs all of the tools components.
/InstanceName – specifies a SQL Server instance name.
/SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS –provisions logins to be members of the system administrators role.
/SQLSVCACCOUNT – specifies the startup account for the SQL Server service.
/SQLSVCPASSWORD – specifies the password for SQLSVCACCOUNT.

Microsfot SQL Server 无法做到的,将其独立捆绑,就像使用 HSQL 或 PostgresSQL 一样。 Microsoft SQL 服务器需要在您打算 运行 您的应用程序所在的目标计算机上安装 运行 其完整的安装程序。 在这方面不是最便携的数据库。