在应用商店 iOS 可用日期之前更新现有二进制文件的新二进制文件

Update a new binary for existing one before available date on app store iOS

在将我的二进制文件上传到 App Store 进行审核之前我有疑问。

假设我将在 1 月 10 日上传我的二进制文件以供审核,并将可用日期设置为 2 月 10 日。

假设应用获得批准并且状态更改为 "Ready for sale"。



我想我应该可以,因为我在 apple 文档中读到,一旦状态变为 "Ready for Sale",我就可以更新一个新的二进制文件。所以这个问题只是为了证实我的情况。


是的,您可以在可用日期之前更新二进制文件,但 Apple 会再次对其进行审核


You can add a new version of an app when the current version’s status is Ready for Sale or Developer Removed from Sale. The new app version goes through the same review process as the first version.

Note: If you find a problem with the binary whose status is Waiting for Review or In Review, you can remove the binary from review and upload a revised version of the app without starting a new version.

引用Replacing Your App With A New Version