WSO2 GReg 5.1 Publisher 不具有与管理控制台相同的所有功能?

WSO2 GReg 5.1 Publisher does not have all the same functionalities as Management Console?

我已经安装了 WSO2 Governance Registry 5.1,这是我第一次使用它。我注意到管理控制台向我显示了一条消息:

From version 5.1.0 onwards, performing governance operations are deprecated from the management console. Please use the publisher app(https://localhost:9443/publisher) instead

当转到发布者时 link 我可以创建新的 WSDL、新的 SOAPService 或新的企业应用程序。


此外,我无法像与 Management 一样添加与 Publisher 的更复杂的关系。例如,在管理中,我可以创建 "collaboratesWith" 类型的关系。管理页面给了我一个免费的文本来做到这一点。

我也无法在 Publisher 中创建 "UsedBy" 关系..

因此,问题是:Publisher 网页是否仍处于 WIP 状态并且并非所有功能都仍然存在?



You can add custom association types in WSO2 G-Reg, and add them to assets using the G-Reg Publisher. To create a new association type, you can specify it to be available for default or specific asset types by defining the new association type within the default, restservice, and soapservice elements in the /repository/conf/governance.xml file. Default association type denotes all other asset types that are not overridden. The other two association types(i.e restservice, and soapservice)denote the overridden asset types, which are REST Services and SOAP Services. For an example, if you want to add a new association named criticalTo, and make it available only for SOAP Services, modify the soapservice association configuration as shown below. The values within the tag are the comma-separated asset types that you can associate using the criticalTo association type with a SOAP service.

  1. 是的,从 WSO2 G-Reg 5.0.0 开始,我们引入了新的治理中心 (GC),因此我们已将所有与治理相关的操作移至 GC。

  2. 是的,您不能开箱即用地从 GC(在本例中为发布者)手动创建端点,要启用它,请按照以下步骤操作。




disabledAssets 列表中删除 'endpoint'。现在重新启动 G-Reg。

  1. 您可以手动创建 soap-services 和 rest-services。请在下面找到屏幕截图(点击添加按钮)

  1. 是的,您可以创建自定义关联。请发现这个有用 blog post