如何永久更改 UCM activity 名称?

How to permanently change an UCM activity name?


从 cleartool 命令行重命名我的 activity 名称
$ cleartool lsact
2016-04-14T17:10:17+05:30  foo_eg1  adam  "foo_eg1"

$ cleartool rename activity:foo_eg1@/vobs/fw-ucm activity:bar_eg1@/vobs/fw-ucm
Renamed activity from "foo_eg1" to "bar_eg1".

When I check for my activity name again:-   

$ cleartool lsact
2016-04-14T17:10:17+05:30 bar_eg1   adam "foo_eg1"

I can see the older activity name still pointed here and from the below command too.

$ ccase showact
title: foo_eg1

为什么这里仍然引用旧的 activity 名称? 有没有办法强制更改名称? 当名称以这种方式不同时,我还应该注意哪些其他陷阱?

您可以检查“Change the name of an activity from GUI or CLI”:

Every activity has a Headline and an ID.

  • The Headline is the visible description (or name) you see when performing a checkout or checkin of a file within a UCM view,
  • whereas the ID is an internal field that holds the name of the object in the VOB database.

These can be identical, but that is not required.

cleartool chactivity -headline <new_headline> activity-id

您所做的是更改 ID,而不是 activity 标题。