Cycle 2 HTML 5 Video Plugin play/pauze 只对奇数有效,对偶数无效

Cycle 2 HTML 5 Video Plugin play/pauze only works on odd not even

所以我正在为 Cycle2 幻灯片插件制作一个 HTML5 视频插件。


第一张幻灯片视频自动播放,如果视频播放完毕,它会自动转到下一张幻灯片。 如果下一张幻灯片是视频,它会自动播放那个。 如果您在幻灯片之间切换,则会暂停上一张视频幻灯片并播放新幻灯片。 视频幻灯片上的超时被禁用,因此可以播放整个视频


单击 .cycle-slideshow

Play/Pauze 视频元素。这是部分工作!发生的情况是 p/p 在您第一次看到幻灯片时工作完美,但在您第二次看到该幻灯片时却无法正常工作。第 3 次。第4次没有。

所以在 ODD 上有效,在 EVEN 上无效!


/*! html5video plugin for Cycle2;  version: 00000001 */
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
// We add a class for targetting

// We assign a id to this class
$('.cycle-slide-html5video').attr('id', 'lsss-video');

// Autoplay the video in the first slide on page load and after each transition
$( '.cycle-slideshow' ).on( 'cycle-update-view', function(event, optionHash, slideOptionsHash, currentSlideEl) {
  // Before we give the command we need to check if the slide contains a video element
  if ($(currentSlideEl).is('#lsss-video')) {
    // Video element is present so we continue with playing the video
    $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].play();
    // Now we want to assign a class 'playing' to this video element only so we can play/pause it
    $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].addClass('playing');
    // We want to click on the slideshow to make it play/pause
    $(".cycle-slideshow").click(function() {
      // Now we check if the 'playing' class is present if it is we continue with play/pause
      if ($('video', currentSlideEl)[0].hasClass('playing')) {
        // Playing class is present so we continue with a click function
        console.log('The playing class is found!');
          // Now we pause the video and remove the `playing` class and add the `paused` class
          $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].pause();
          $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].removeClass('playing');
          $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].addClass('paused');
      // As the `playing` class was not present we continue to see if it was already `paused`
      } else if ($('video', currentSlideEl)[0].hasClass('paused')) {
        // Pause class is present so we continue with a click function
        console.log('The paused class is found!');
          // Now we play the video and remove the `paused` class and add the `playing` class
          $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].play();
          $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].removeClass('paused');
          $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].addClass('playing');

// We pauze the previous video when the user advances to a new slide
$( '.cycle-slideshow' ).on( 'cycle-before', function(event, optionHash, outgoingSlideEl, incomingSlideEl, forwardFlag) {
  // Before we give the command we need to check if the slide contains a video element
  if ($(outgoingSlideEl).is('#lsss-video')) {
    // Video element is present so we continue with pauzing the video
    $('video', outgoingSlideEl)[0].pause();
    // We remove any left behind classes from the previous element
    $('video', outgoingSlideEl)[0].removeClass('paused');
    $('video', outgoingSlideEl)[0].removeClass('playing');

// When the video is playing we don't want the timeout to interrupt it so on the video elements we override the timeout
$('#lsss-video').attr('data-cycle-timeout', '0');

// When the video is done playing we want it to automatically advance the slide to the next one
  //console.log('Video has ended!');
  $(this).closest('.cycle-slideshow').cycle('next'); // trigger next slide

});// Document Ready

您可以在此 fiddle 中找到完整的工作示例:

/*! html5video plugin for Cycle2;  version: 00000001 */
(function($) {
  $(document).ready(function() {
    // We start with targetting the entire slideshow element
    $('.cycle-slideshow').each(function(i) {
      $(this).addClass('cycle-slideshow-randomid--' + i);
    }); // Cycle Slideshow Each Function

    // We add a class for targetting the video slides

    // We assign a id to this class
    $('.cycle-slide-html5video').attr('id', 'lsss-video');

    // Autoplay the video in the first slide on page load and after each transition
    $('.cycle-slideshow').on('cycle-update-view', function(event, optionHash, slideOptionsHash, currentSlideEl) {
      // Before we give the command we need to check if the slide contains a video element
      if ($(currentSlideEl).is('#lsss-video')) {
        // Video element is present so we continue with playing the video
        $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].play();
      // Leaves us with checking if the video should be playing or is paused
      // When paused
      $('.cycle-slideshow').on('cycle-paused', function(event, optionHash) {
        // We check if the currentslide is a video slide
        if ($(currentSlideEl).is('#lsss-video') && $(this).attr("class")==$(currentSlideEl).parent().attr("class")) {
          // Then we set the video on pause

          $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].pause();
      // When playing
      $('.cycle-slideshow').on('cycle-resumed', function(event, optionHash) {
        // We check if the currentslide is a video slide
        if ($(currentSlideEl).is('#lsss-video') && $(this).attr("class")==$(currentSlideEl).parent().attr("class")) {
          // Then we set the video on playing
          $('video', currentSlideEl)[0].play();


    // We pauze the previous video when the user advances to a new slide
    $('.cycle-slideshow').on('cycle-before', function(event, optionHash, outgoingSlideEl, incomingSlideEl, forwardFlag) {
      // Before we give the command we need to check if the slide contains a video element
      if ($(outgoingSlideEl).is('#lsss-video')) {
        // Video element is present so we continue with pauzing the video
        $('video', outgoingSlideEl)[0].pause();
      // Leaves us with checking if the video should be playing or is paused
      // When paused
      $('.cycle-slideshow').on('cycle-paused', function(event, optionHash) {
        // We check if the currentslide is a video slide
        if ($(outgoingSlideEl).is('#lsss-video') && $(this).attr("class")==$(outgoingSlideEl).parent().attr("class")) {
          // Then we set the video on pause
          $('video', outgoingSlideEl)[0].pause();
      // When playing
      $('.cycle-slideshow').on('cycle-resumed', function(event, optionHash) {
        // We check if the currentslide is a video slide
        if ($(outgoingSlideEl).is('#lsss-video') && $(this).attr("class")==$(outgoingSlideEl).parent().attr("class")) {
          // Then we set the video also on pause
          // We do this so that no matter what the previous video is always paused
          // On next view of that slide the `cycle-update-view` will take care of autoplaying
          $('video', outgoingSlideEl)[0].pause();

    // When the video is playing we don't want the timeout to interrupt it so on the video elements we override the timeout
    $('#lsss-video').attr('data-cycle-timeout', '0');

    // When the video is done playing we want it to automatically advance the slide to the next one
    $('video').on('ended', function() {
      //console.log('Video has ended!');
      $(this).closest('.cycle-slideshow').cycle('next'); // trigger next slide
  }); // Document Ready

祝你今天愉快 ;)