
exporting multiple vms

我正在使用此 C# 代码在虚拟机管理器中完全备份我的虚拟机:

using Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager;
using Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.UIAddIns;
using Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.UIAddIns.ContextTypes;
using Microsoft.VirtualManager.Remoting;
using System;
using System.AddIn;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Microsoft.VirtualManager.UI.AddIns.BackupAddIn
    [AddIn("Make Backup")]
    public class BackupAddIn : ActionAddInBase
        protected const string PowershellPath = "%WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe";
        protected const string DefaultDirectory = "you don't need to know this";
        protected const string WildcardVMName = "{{VMName}}";
        protected const string WildcardError = "{{Error}}";
        protected const string BackupDirectoryBase = "{{Base}}";
        protected const string BackupDirectoryName = "{{Name}}";
        protected const string BackupDirectoryDate = "{{Date}}";

        public enum JobState { Initialized, Success, Fail };

        protected const string BackupDirectoryTemplate = BackupDirectoryBase + "\" + BackupDirectoryName + "\" + BackupDirectoryDate + "\";
        protected static readonly ReadOnlyCollection<string> AllowedBackupStates = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(new string[] { "PowerOff", "Paused"/*, "Saved"*/});

        public override bool CheckIfEnabledFor(IList<ContextObject> contextObjects)
            if (contextObjects != null && contextObjects.Count > 0)
                foreach (var host in contextObjects.OfType<HostContext>())
                    if (host.ComputerState != ComputerState.Responding)
                        return false;
                return true;

            return false;

        public override void PerformAction(IList<ContextObject> contextObjects)
            if (contextObjects != null)
                // check if we have VMs selected
                var VMs = contextObjects.OfType<VMContext>();
                if (VMs != null && VMs.Count() > 0)
                    // check if VMs are in a good state
                    var badVMs = VMs.Where(vm => AllowedBackupStates.Contains(vm.Status.ToString()) == false).ToArray();
                    if (badVMs != null && badVMs.Length > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Backup not possible!\r\nThe following VMs are still running:\r\n\r\n" + string.Join(", ", badVMs.Select(vm => vm.Name)));
                        // ask for backup directory
                        string backupDir = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Enter the export path for the selected virtual machine(s) on the host.", "Export path", DefaultDirectory);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(backupDir) == false)
                            if (backupDir.EndsWith("\"))
                                backupDir = backupDir.Substring(0, backupDir.Length - 1);

                            // go
                            foreach (var vm in VMs)
                                exportVM(vm, backupDir);

        public string getDate()
            var date = DateTime.Now;
            return date.Year.ToString()
                + (date.Month < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Month.ToString()
                + (date.Day < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Day.ToString()
                + "-"
                + (date.Hour < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Hour.ToString()
                + (date.Minute < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.Minute.ToString();

        public void ManageJob(string name, JobState state, string message = null)
            string command;
            if (state == JobState.Initialized)
                command = string.Format("[==] = New-SCExternalJob -Name \"{0}\"", name);
            else if (state == JobState.Success)
                command = string.Format("Set-SCExternalJob -Job (Get-SCJob -Name \"{0}\")[0] -Complete -InfoMessage \"" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? "Backup successfully completed." : message) + "\"", name);
                command = string.Format("Set-SCExternalJob -Job (Get-SCJob -Name \"{0}\")[0] -Failed -InfoMessage \"" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? "Backup FAILED." : message) + "\"", name);

                (profiles, error) =>
                    if (error != null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Cannot modify job state\r\nError: " + error.Problem);

        public void exportVM(VMContext vm, string backupDir)
            string date = getDate();
            string fullBackupDir = BackupDirectoryTemplate.Replace(BackupDirectoryBase, backupDir).Replace(BackupDirectoryName, vm.Name).Replace(BackupDirectoryDate, date);
            string jobname = "Backup_" + vm.Name.Replace("-", "_").Replace(" ", "_");
            string command = string.Format("Export-VM -Name '{0}' -Path '{1}'", vm.Name, fullBackupDir);

            execPSScript(jobname, command, vm, WildcardVMName + ": Backup successful.", WildcardVMName + ": Backup FAILED!\r\nError: " + WildcardError);

        public String scvmmPsCommand(string command, VMContext vm)
            return string.Format("Invoke-SCScriptCommand -Executable \"{0}\" -VMHost (Get-SCVMHost -ID \"{1}\") -CommandParameters \"{2}\" -RunAsynchronously -TimeoutSeconds 360000", PowershellPath, vm.VMHostId.ToString(), command);

        public void execPSScript(string jobname, string command, VMContext vm, string successMessage, string errorMessage)
            ManageJob(jobname, JobState.Initialized);
                scvmmPsCommand(command, vm),
                (vms, error) =>
                    if (error != null)
                        ManageJob(jobname, JobState.Fail, errorMessage.Replace(WildcardVMName, vm.Name).Replace(WildcardError, error.Problem));
                        ManageJob(jobname, JobState.Success, successMessage.Replace(WildcardVMName, vm.Name));

如果我 select 多个虚拟机并尝试备份它们,除了一个以外的所有虚拟机都会立即失败。

我需要以某种方式让主机在单独的 powershell 中执行每个调用的命令。


Export-VM 是否适用于多个虚拟机?

----------------编辑 9:50 上午 UTC+1

好的 - 我尝试使用 cmd.exe 将每个 powershell 作为新任务启动,如下所示:

string.Format(Invoke-SCScriptCommand -Executable \"%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe\" -VMHost (Get-SCVMHost -ID \"{1}\") -CommandParameters \"START powershell {2}\" -RunAsynchronously -TimeoutSeconds 360000", PowershellPath, vm.VMHostId.ToString(), command)

现在..它不再备份了。 另外..我没有收到任何错误消息。

为了使您的代码正常工作,您需要告诉 cmd.exe 您希望它执行命令。只需将 /C 放在您的命令之前,如下所示:

string.Format("Invoke-SCScriptCommand -Executable \"%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe\" -VMHost (Get-SCVMHost -ID \"{1}\") -CommandParameters \"/C START powershell {2}\" -RunAsynchronously -TimeoutSeconds 360000", PowershellPath, vm.VMHostId.ToString(), command)

欢迎您! ;)