Clearcase 视图和分支解释

Clearcase View and Branch explained

我最近开始开发一个新项目,开发团队使用 ClearCase 进行版本控制(该项目主要使用 java 和 ExtJs 编码)。

我经常听到 'View' 和 'Branch' 这两个术语 - 这些术语可以互换吗?

视图和分支是 ClearCase 特有的还是这些术语也用于其他版本控制系统?

I'm hearing the terms 'View' and 'Branch' being thrown around a lot - are these terms interchangeable?


  • 视图是 select 元素(文件或目录)版本的一种方式
    因此,您可以 select 来自不同分支的版本。
  • 分支是版本的集合,带有分支点。
    每个分支都以 placeholder version (the version 0: /main/0 marks the creation of the element, while /main/aBranch/0 marks the creation of a new branch, a forking point, where the version remains identical to the previous one)
  • 开头

在“About branches, versions, and labels”查看更多信息:

When you add a resource to ClearCase source control, an element representing that resource is created in the VOB.
The element has a single branch named main and a single version (version 0) on that branch. Successive versions of the element can be created on the main branch, and additional branches can be created if necessary

Every branch in a version tree includes one or more versions of the element. Each version represents a revision of the element.
Versions are identified using a version-extended path name, which includes the path name of the element within its VOB and also specifies its branch name and its version number on that branch. For example, the fourth revision of the file, located on the main branch in the VOB directory \product\src\ has the version-extended path name \product\src\\main.

另请参阅“View that uses attributes to select versions”以获取高级配置规范示例。

Are Views and Branches particular to ClearCase or are these terms used in other version control systems as well?

视图,尤其是动态视图,特定于 ClearCase。
但它们代表的不是:它是一个工作目录和一个版本 selection 机制的组合。您会在大多数版本控制系统中发现这一点。

分支是所有 VCS 的一部分,并启用 merge workflow
参见“?”例如,与 git 相比,