
Accessing Annotation's Parameter ot Construction for Modification


举个例子,我们有这个 class

//this happens to be a Spring annotation in this case
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason = " not found")
class NotFoundException extends RuntimeException {

    public NotFoundException(String resourceName) {
        //get access to reason from class's annotation
        reason = resourceName + reason;

如何在运行时访问注释的参数 reason?这可能吗?如果是这样,我知道涉及反射,但不完全确定正确的方法。

您可以通过以下方式阅读注释的 reason

String reason = NotFoundException.class.getAnnotation(ResponseStatus.class).reason();



但是我认为没有理由这样做。其一,正如 ResponseStatus#reason 的 javadoc 所述

If this element is not set, it will default to the standard status message for the status code. Note that due to the use of HttpServletResponse.sendError(int, String), the response will be considered complete and should not be written to any further.


如果您仍然想要自己的,我会定义一个常量表达式并在您需要 reason 时引用它,而不是从注释中检索它。

@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason = NotFoundException.REASON)
class NotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
    static final String REASON = " not found"; // you can define this in another class

    public NotFoundException(String resourceName) {
        String something = resourceName + REASON;