如何将组件添加到 JTabbedPane
How to add component to JTabbedPane
所以我有两个 classes,一个叫 ApplicationViewer,一个叫 PetshopOverview。我希望 applicationviewer 使用 JTabbedPane 在两个选项卡中显示一些信息。我需要从另一个扩展 JScrollPane 的 class 获取一些信息,但是,该选项卡不显示该信息。我看过各种答案,但似乎我的答案不起作用。请参阅下面的代码:
public class ApplicationViewer extends JFrame{
public void viewer(final ArrayList<PetShop> petshops){
lookAndFeel(); //this calls the look and feel method which changes the looks of the frame.
PetshopOverview ov = new PetshopOverview(petshops);
Object[] columnNames = {"Name", "Address", "Phone Number", "Website", "Opening Time"}; //declaring columns names
Object[][] rowData = new Object[petshops.size()][columnNames.length]; //initializing rows.
DefaultTableModel listTableModel;
for (int i = 0; i < petshops.size(); i++) { //this for loop adds data from the arraylist to each coloumn.
rowData[i][0] = petshops.get(i).getName();
rowData[i][1] = petshops.get(i).getAddress();
rowData[i][2] = petshops.get(i).getPhoneNumber();
rowData[i][3] = petshops.get(i).getWebsite();
rowData[i][4] = petshops.get(i).getOpeningTime();
listTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
JPanel panelLB = new JPanel();
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
JPanel panelBT = new JPanel();
JButton btnViewSum = new JButton("View Summary");
JButton btnExp = new JButton("Export table data");
//---------------------JTABLE AND JFRAME (adding adding table, panels and buttons to the jframe)--------------------------------------------------------
JTable listTable;
listTable = new JTable(listTableModel);
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(listTable);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("PetShops");
JTabbedPane tab = new JTabbedPane();
tab.addTab("Tab1", scroll);
tab.addTab("Tab2", new PetshopOverview(petshops));
JLabel lb = new JLabel("Welcome to Pet shop app");
frame.setSize(600, 400);
frame.getContentPane().add(panelBT, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
frame.getContentPane().add(tab, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
这是另一个 class PetshopOverview:
public class PetshopOverview extends JScrollPane{
public PetshopOverview(ArrayList<PetShop> petshopsSum){
Object[] columnNames = {"Name", "Opening Time"};
Object[][] rowData = new Object[petshopsSum.size()][columnNames.length];
DefaultTableModel listTableModel;
int size= petshopsSum.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rowData[i][0] = petshopsSum.get(i).getName();
rowData[i][1] = petshopsSum.get(i).getOpeningTime();
listTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
//-------------------------JTABLE AND JFRAME--------------------------
JTable listTable;
listTable = new JTable(listTableModel);
public class PetShop {
private String name, address, phoneNumber, website, openingTime;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
public String getPhoneNumber() {
return phoneNumber;
public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
public String getWebsite() {
return website;
public void setWebsite(String website) {
this.website = website;
public String getOpeningTime() {
return openingTime;
public void setOpeningTime(String openingTime) {
this.openingTime = openingTime;
public PetShop(String sName, String sAddress, String sPhoneNumber, String sWebsite, String sOpeningTime){
this.name = sName;
this.address = sAddress;
this.phoneNumber = sPhoneNumber;
this.website = sWebsite;
this.openingTime = sOpeningTime;
public String toString(){
return getName()+"\n"
+getAddress().replaceAll(":", "").replaceFirst("", " ")+"\n"
+getWebsite().replaceFirst("", " ")+"\n"
+getOpeningTime().replaceFirst(",", "").replaceFirst("", " ")+"\n\n";
public PetShop(String sName, String sOpeningTime){
this.name = sName;
this.openingTime = sOpeningTime;
public String toString2 (){
return getName()+": "
+getOpeningTime().replaceFirst(",", "").replaceFirst("", " ");
大功告成 我认为您只需要调整框架并向其中添加组件。因此,在 ApplicationViewer
中,不要创建一个新的 JFrame
,而是将您的组件添加到 ApplicationViewer
,它已经是一个 JFrame
。在 PetShopOverview
上,您需要将 PetShopOverview
的 ViewportView
设置为 listTable
public class PetShop {
String name;
String openingTime;
String address;
String phoneNumber;
String website;
public PetShop(String name, String openingTime, String address, String phoneNumber, String website) {
this.name = name;
this.openingTime = openingTime;
this.address = address;
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
this.website = website;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getOpeningTime() {
return openingTime;
public String getAddress() {
return address;
public String getPhoneNumber() {
return phoneNumber;
public String getWebsite() {
return website;
public class PetShopOverview extends JScrollPane {
public PetShopOverview(ArrayList<PetShop> petshopsSum) {
Object[] columnNames = { "Name", "Opening Time" };
Object[][] rowData = new Object[petshopsSum.size()][columnNames.length];
DefaultTableModel listTableModel;
int size = petshopsSum.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rowData[i][0] = petshopsSum.get(i).getName();
rowData[i][1] = petshopsSum.get(i).getOpeningTime();
listTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
// -------------------------JTABLE AND JFRAME--------------------------
JTable listTable;
listTable = new JTable(listTableModel);
public class ApplicationViewer extends JFrame {
public ApplicationViewer(ArrayList<PetShop> petshops) {
public void viewer(final ArrayList<PetShop> petshops) {
PetShopOverview ov = new PetShopOverview(petshops);
Object[] columnNames = { "Name", "Address", "Phone Number", "Website", "Opening Time" }; // declaring columns
// names
Object[][] rowData = new Object[petshops.size()][columnNames.length]; // initializing rows.
DefaultTableModel listTableModel;
for (int i = 0; i < petshops.size(); i++) { // this for loop adds data from the arraylist to each coloumn.
rowData[i][0] = petshops.get(i).getName();
rowData[i][1] = petshops.get(i).getAddress();
rowData[i][2] = petshops.get(i).getPhoneNumber();
rowData[i][3] = petshops.get(i).getWebsite();
rowData[i][4] = petshops.get(i).getOpeningTime();
listTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
JPanel panelLB = new JPanel();
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
JPanel panelBT = new JPanel();
JButton btnViewSum = new JButton("View Summary");
JButton btnExp = new JButton("Export table data");
// ---------------------JTABLE AND JFRAME (adding adding table, panels and buttons to the
// jframe)--------------------------------------------------------
JTable listTable;
listTable = new JTable(listTableModel);
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(listTable);
JTabbedPane tab = new JTabbedPane();
tab.addTab("Tab1", scroll);
tab.addTab("Tab2", new PetShopOverview(petshops));
JLabel lb = new JLabel("Welcome to Pet shop app");
this.setSize(600, 400);
this.getContentPane().add(panelBT, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
this.getContentPane().add(tab, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<PetShop> p = new ArrayList<PetShop>();
p.add(new PetShop("a", "9", "street 1", "123", "www.a.com"));
p.add(new PetShop("b", "10", "street 2", "456", "www.b.com"));
p.add(new PetShop("c", "11", "street 3", "789", "www.c.com"));
p.add(new PetShop("d", "12", "street 4", "000", "www.d.com"));
ApplicationViewer v = new ApplicationViewer(p);
p.s。我刚刚创建了一个任意 PetShop class
所以我有两个 classes,一个叫 ApplicationViewer,一个叫 PetshopOverview。我希望 applicationviewer 使用 JTabbedPane 在两个选项卡中显示一些信息。我需要从另一个扩展 JScrollPane 的 class 获取一些信息,但是,该选项卡不显示该信息。我看过各种答案,但似乎我的答案不起作用。请参阅下面的代码:
public class ApplicationViewer extends JFrame{
public void viewer(final ArrayList<PetShop> petshops){
lookAndFeel(); //this calls the look and feel method which changes the looks of the frame.
PetshopOverview ov = new PetshopOverview(petshops);
Object[] columnNames = {"Name", "Address", "Phone Number", "Website", "Opening Time"}; //declaring columns names
Object[][] rowData = new Object[petshops.size()][columnNames.length]; //initializing rows.
DefaultTableModel listTableModel;
for (int i = 0; i < petshops.size(); i++) { //this for loop adds data from the arraylist to each coloumn.
rowData[i][0] = petshops.get(i).getName();
rowData[i][1] = petshops.get(i).getAddress();
rowData[i][2] = petshops.get(i).getPhoneNumber();
rowData[i][3] = petshops.get(i).getWebsite();
rowData[i][4] = petshops.get(i).getOpeningTime();
listTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
JPanel panelLB = new JPanel();
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
JPanel panelBT = new JPanel();
JButton btnViewSum = new JButton("View Summary");
JButton btnExp = new JButton("Export table data");
//---------------------JTABLE AND JFRAME (adding adding table, panels and buttons to the jframe)--------------------------------------------------------
JTable listTable;
listTable = new JTable(listTableModel);
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(listTable);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("PetShops");
JTabbedPane tab = new JTabbedPane();
tab.addTab("Tab1", scroll);
tab.addTab("Tab2", new PetshopOverview(petshops));
JLabel lb = new JLabel("Welcome to Pet shop app");
frame.setSize(600, 400);
frame.getContentPane().add(panelBT, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
frame.getContentPane().add(tab, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
这是另一个 class PetshopOverview:
public class PetshopOverview extends JScrollPane{
public PetshopOverview(ArrayList<PetShop> petshopsSum){
Object[] columnNames = {"Name", "Opening Time"};
Object[][] rowData = new Object[petshopsSum.size()][columnNames.length];
DefaultTableModel listTableModel;
int size= petshopsSum.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rowData[i][0] = petshopsSum.get(i).getName();
rowData[i][1] = petshopsSum.get(i).getOpeningTime();
listTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
//-------------------------JTABLE AND JFRAME--------------------------
JTable listTable;
listTable = new JTable(listTableModel);
public class PetShop {
private String name, address, phoneNumber, website, openingTime;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getAddress() {
return address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
public String getPhoneNumber() {
return phoneNumber;
public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
public String getWebsite() {
return website;
public void setWebsite(String website) {
this.website = website;
public String getOpeningTime() {
return openingTime;
public void setOpeningTime(String openingTime) {
this.openingTime = openingTime;
public PetShop(String sName, String sAddress, String sPhoneNumber, String sWebsite, String sOpeningTime){
this.name = sName;
this.address = sAddress;
this.phoneNumber = sPhoneNumber;
this.website = sWebsite;
this.openingTime = sOpeningTime;
public String toString(){
return getName()+"\n"
+getAddress().replaceAll(":", "").replaceFirst("", " ")+"\n"
+getWebsite().replaceFirst("", " ")+"\n"
+getOpeningTime().replaceFirst(",", "").replaceFirst("", " ")+"\n\n";
public PetShop(String sName, String sOpeningTime){
this.name = sName;
this.openingTime = sOpeningTime;
public String toString2 (){
return getName()+": "
+getOpeningTime().replaceFirst(",", "").replaceFirst("", " ");
大功告成 我认为您只需要调整框架并向其中添加组件。因此,在 ApplicationViewer
中,不要创建一个新的 JFrame
,而是将您的组件添加到 ApplicationViewer
,它已经是一个 JFrame
。在 PetShopOverview
上,您需要将 PetShopOverview
的 ViewportView
设置为 listTable
public class PetShop {
String name;
String openingTime;
String address;
String phoneNumber;
String website;
public PetShop(String name, String openingTime, String address, String phoneNumber, String website) {
this.name = name;
this.openingTime = openingTime;
this.address = address;
this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
this.website = website;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getOpeningTime() {
return openingTime;
public String getAddress() {
return address;
public String getPhoneNumber() {
return phoneNumber;
public String getWebsite() {
return website;
public class PetShopOverview extends JScrollPane {
public PetShopOverview(ArrayList<PetShop> petshopsSum) {
Object[] columnNames = { "Name", "Opening Time" };
Object[][] rowData = new Object[petshopsSum.size()][columnNames.length];
DefaultTableModel listTableModel;
int size = petshopsSum.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
rowData[i][0] = petshopsSum.get(i).getName();
rowData[i][1] = petshopsSum.get(i).getOpeningTime();
listTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
// -------------------------JTABLE AND JFRAME--------------------------
JTable listTable;
listTable = new JTable(listTableModel);
public class ApplicationViewer extends JFrame {
public ApplicationViewer(ArrayList<PetShop> petshops) {
public void viewer(final ArrayList<PetShop> petshops) {
PetShopOverview ov = new PetShopOverview(petshops);
Object[] columnNames = { "Name", "Address", "Phone Number", "Website", "Opening Time" }; // declaring columns
// names
Object[][] rowData = new Object[petshops.size()][columnNames.length]; // initializing rows.
DefaultTableModel listTableModel;
for (int i = 0; i < petshops.size(); i++) { // this for loop adds data from the arraylist to each coloumn.
rowData[i][0] = petshops.get(i).getName();
rowData[i][1] = petshops.get(i).getAddress();
rowData[i][2] = petshops.get(i).getPhoneNumber();
rowData[i][3] = petshops.get(i).getWebsite();
rowData[i][4] = petshops.get(i).getOpeningTime();
listTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(rowData, columnNames);
JPanel panelLB = new JPanel();
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
JPanel panelBT = new JPanel();
JButton btnViewSum = new JButton("View Summary");
JButton btnExp = new JButton("Export table data");
// ---------------------JTABLE AND JFRAME (adding adding table, panels and buttons to the
// jframe)--------------------------------------------------------
JTable listTable;
listTable = new JTable(listTableModel);
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(listTable);
JTabbedPane tab = new JTabbedPane();
tab.addTab("Tab1", scroll);
tab.addTab("Tab2", new PetShopOverview(petshops));
JLabel lb = new JLabel("Welcome to Pet shop app");
this.setSize(600, 400);
this.getContentPane().add(panelBT, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
this.getContentPane().add(tab, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<PetShop> p = new ArrayList<PetShop>();
p.add(new PetShop("a", "9", "street 1", "123", "www.a.com"));
p.add(new PetShop("b", "10", "street 2", "456", "www.b.com"));
p.add(new PetShop("c", "11", "street 3", "789", "www.c.com"));
p.add(new PetShop("d", "12", "street 4", "000", "www.d.com"));
ApplicationViewer v = new ApplicationViewer(p);
p.s。我刚刚创建了一个任意 PetShop class