
How can I move mouse cursor and click?

和我的问题一样,我该怎么做?我已经开始制作一个可以打开网站的 .bat 文件,现在我希望它将光标移动到屏幕的特定 X'Y 位置并单击鼠标左键。有什么方法可以在 .bat 或任何其他类型的脚本中完成吗?

提前致谢, -斯塔姆

检查 mouse.bat - 它是一个自编译的 C#/批处理文件,不需要外部工具,源代码可见且可编辑。


//clicks at the current position
call mouse click

//double clicks at the current position
call mouse doubleClick

//right clicks at the current position
call mouse rightClick

//returns the position of the cursor
call mouse position

//scrolls up the mouse wheel with 1500 units
call mouse scrollUp 150

//scrolls down with 100 postitions
call mouse scrollDown 100

 //relatively(from the current position) moves the mouse with 100 horizontal and 100 vertial postitions
call mouse moveBy 100x100

//absolute positioning
call mouse moveTo 100x100

//relative drag (lefclick and move)
call mouse dragBy 300x200

//absolute drag
call mouse dragTo 500x500