Haskell 中依赖类型编程的更多问题
More problems with dependently typed programming in Haskell
我正在研究 Haskell 中依赖类型程序的示例,我想 "rewrite" singletons 中定义的命题相等类型 a :~: b
更具体地说,我有一个数据类型来表示正则表达式成员资格的证据。我的麻烦是如何处理两个正则表达式连接的证据。在我的代码中,我有一个名为 InRegExp xs e
的 GADT,它表达了 xs
是正则表达式语言 e
InCat :: InRegExp xs l -> InRegExp ys r ->
(zs :~: xs ++ ys) -> InRegExp zs (Cat l r)
inCatInv :: InRegExp (xs ++ ys) (Cat e e') -> (InRegExp xs e , InRegExp ys e')
inCatInv (InCat p p' Refl) = (p , p')
但代码被 GHC 拒绝并显示以下错误消息:
Could not deduce (xs1 ~ xs)
from the context ('Cat e e' ~ 'Cat l r)
bound by a pattern with constructor
InCat :: forall (zs :: [Nat])
(xs :: [Nat])
(l :: RegExp [Nat])
(ys :: [Nat])
(r :: RegExp [Nat]).
InRegExp xs l
-> InRegExp ys r -> zs :~: (xs ++ ys) -> InRegExp zs ('Cat l r),
in an equation for ‘inCatInv’
at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:11-25
or from ((xs ++ ys) ~ (xs1 ++ ys1))
bound by a pattern with constructor
Refl :: forall (k :: BOX) (b :: k). b :~: b,
in an equation for ‘inCatInv’
at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:22-25
‘xs1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
InCat :: forall (zs :: [Nat])
(xs :: [Nat])
(l :: RegExp [Nat])
(ys :: [Nat])
(r :: RegExp [Nat]).
InRegExp xs l
-> InRegExp ys r -> zs :~: (xs ++ ys) -> InRegExp zs ('Cat l r),
in an equation for ‘inCatInv’
at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:11
‘xs’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
inCatInv :: InRegExp (xs ++ ys) ('Cat e e')
-> (InRegExp xs e, InRegExp ys e')
at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:43:13
Expected type: InRegExp xs e
Actual type: InRegExp xs1 l
Relevant bindings include
p :: InRegExp xs1 l
(bound at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:17)
inCatInv :: InRegExp (xs ++ ys) ('Cat e e')
-> (InRegExp xs e, InRegExp ys e')
(bound at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:1)
In the expression: p
In the expression: (p, p')
在 Agda 或 Idris 中,这种反演引理工作得很好。可以用 Haskell 表达这样的反演引理吗?完整代码见下面gist.
在Haskell中编写依赖类型程序最简单的方法是先在Agda中编写,然后将(x : A) -> B
替换为Sing x -> b
。但是,当我们确定不需要使用值进行计算时,我们可以使用 Proxy
而不是 Sing
在我们的例子中(假设我们的目标是根据你的要点编写 hasEmpty
),我们只需要在 Cat
构造函数中使用一个 Sing
appendEmpty :: Sing xs -> Proxy ys -> (xs :++ ys) :~: '[] -> (xs :~: '[], ys :~: '[])
appendEmpty SNil ys eq = (Refl, eq)
appendEmpty (SCons x xs) ys eq = case eq of {}
确定空列表的子列表也为空,因此我们可以在 hasEmpty
的 Cat
我对 Star
使用了一个略有不同但等效的定义,它重用了 Choice
和 Eps
{-# language
TemplateHaskell, UndecidableInstances, LambdaCase, EmptyCase,
DataKinds, PolyKinds, GADTs, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables,
TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Proxy
$(singletons [d|
data Regex c
= Sym c
| Cat (Regex c) (Regex c)
| Choice (Regex c) (Regex c)
| Star (Regex c)
| Eps
deriving (Show)
appendEmpty :: Sing xs -> Proxy ys -> (xs :++ ys) :~: '[] -> (xs :~: '[], ys :~: '[])
appendEmpty SNil ys eq = (Refl, eq)
appendEmpty (SCons x xs) ys eq = case eq of {}
data InRegex :: [c] -> Regex c -> * where
InEps :: InRegex '[] Eps
InSym :: InRegex '[c] (Sym c)
InCat :: Sing xs -> InRegex xs l -> InRegex ys r -> InRegex (xs :++ ys) (Cat l r)
InLeft :: InRegex xs l -> InRegex xs (Choice l r)
InRight :: InRegex ys r -> InRegex ys (Choice l r)
InStar :: InRegex xs (Choice Eps (Cat r (Star r))) -> InRegex xs (Star r)
hasEmpty :: Sing r -> Either (InRegex '[] r) (InRegex '[] r -> Void)
hasEmpty (SSym _) = Right (\case {})
hasEmpty (SCat l r) = case hasEmpty l of
Left inl -> case hasEmpty r of
Left inr -> Left (InCat SNil inl inr)
Right notInr -> Right
(\(InCat xs inl (inr :: InRegex ys r)) -> case appendEmpty xs (Proxy :: Proxy ys) Refl of
(Refl, Refl) -> notInr inr)
Right notInl -> Right
(\(InCat xs inl (inr :: InRegex ys r)) -> case appendEmpty xs (Proxy :: Proxy ys) Refl of
(Refl, Refl) -> notInl inl)
hasEmpty (SChoice l r) = case hasEmpty l of
Left inl -> Left (InLeft inl)
Right notInl -> case hasEmpty r of
Left inr -> Left (InRight inr)
Right notInr -> Right (\case
InLeft inl -> notInl inl
InRight inr -> notInr inr)
hasEmpty (SStar r) = Left (InStar (InLeft InEps))
hasEmpty SEps = Left InEps
我正在研究 Haskell 中依赖类型程序的示例,我想 "rewrite" singletons 中定义的命题相等类型 a :~: b
更具体地说,我有一个数据类型来表示正则表达式成员资格的证据。我的麻烦是如何处理两个正则表达式连接的证据。在我的代码中,我有一个名为 InRegExp xs e
的 GADT,它表达了 xs
是正则表达式语言 e
InCat :: InRegExp xs l -> InRegExp ys r ->
(zs :~: xs ++ ys) -> InRegExp zs (Cat l r)
inCatInv :: InRegExp (xs ++ ys) (Cat e e') -> (InRegExp xs e , InRegExp ys e')
inCatInv (InCat p p' Refl) = (p , p')
但代码被 GHC 拒绝并显示以下错误消息:
Could not deduce (xs1 ~ xs)
from the context ('Cat e e' ~ 'Cat l r)
bound by a pattern with constructor
InCat :: forall (zs :: [Nat])
(xs :: [Nat])
(l :: RegExp [Nat])
(ys :: [Nat])
(r :: RegExp [Nat]).
InRegExp xs l
-> InRegExp ys r -> zs :~: (xs ++ ys) -> InRegExp zs ('Cat l r),
in an equation for ‘inCatInv’
at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:11-25
or from ((xs ++ ys) ~ (xs1 ++ ys1))
bound by a pattern with constructor
Refl :: forall (k :: BOX) (b :: k). b :~: b,
in an equation for ‘inCatInv’
at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:22-25
‘xs1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
a pattern with constructor
InCat :: forall (zs :: [Nat])
(xs :: [Nat])
(l :: RegExp [Nat])
(ys :: [Nat])
(r :: RegExp [Nat]).
InRegExp xs l
-> InRegExp ys r -> zs :~: (xs ++ ys) -> InRegExp zs ('Cat l r),
in an equation for ‘inCatInv’
at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:11
‘xs’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
inCatInv :: InRegExp (xs ++ ys) ('Cat e e')
-> (InRegExp xs e, InRegExp ys e')
at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:43:13
Expected type: InRegExp xs e
Actual type: InRegExp xs1 l
Relevant bindings include
p :: InRegExp xs1 l
(bound at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:17)
inCatInv :: InRegExp (xs ++ ys) ('Cat e e')
-> (InRegExp xs e, InRegExp ys e')
(bound at /Users/rodrigo/Dropbox/projects/haskell/experiments/src/Lib.hs:44:1)
In the expression: p
In the expression: (p, p')
在 Agda 或 Idris 中,这种反演引理工作得很好。可以用 Haskell 表达这样的反演引理吗?完整代码见下面gist.
在Haskell中编写依赖类型程序最简单的方法是先在Agda中编写,然后将(x : A) -> B
替换为Sing x -> b
。但是,当我们确定不需要使用值进行计算时,我们可以使用 Proxy
而不是 Sing
在我们的例子中(假设我们的目标是根据你的要点编写 hasEmpty
),我们只需要在 Cat
构造函数中使用一个 Sing
appendEmpty :: Sing xs -> Proxy ys -> (xs :++ ys) :~: '[] -> (xs :~: '[], ys :~: '[])
appendEmpty SNil ys eq = (Refl, eq)
appendEmpty (SCons x xs) ys eq = case eq of {}
确定空列表的子列表也为空,因此我们可以在 hasEmpty
的 Cat
我对 Star
使用了一个略有不同但等效的定义,它重用了 Choice
和 Eps
{-# language
TemplateHaskell, UndecidableInstances, LambdaCase, EmptyCase,
DataKinds, PolyKinds, GADTs, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables,
TypeOperators #-}
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Proxy
$(singletons [d|
data Regex c
= Sym c
| Cat (Regex c) (Regex c)
| Choice (Regex c) (Regex c)
| Star (Regex c)
| Eps
deriving (Show)
appendEmpty :: Sing xs -> Proxy ys -> (xs :++ ys) :~: '[] -> (xs :~: '[], ys :~: '[])
appendEmpty SNil ys eq = (Refl, eq)
appendEmpty (SCons x xs) ys eq = case eq of {}
data InRegex :: [c] -> Regex c -> * where
InEps :: InRegex '[] Eps
InSym :: InRegex '[c] (Sym c)
InCat :: Sing xs -> InRegex xs l -> InRegex ys r -> InRegex (xs :++ ys) (Cat l r)
InLeft :: InRegex xs l -> InRegex xs (Choice l r)
InRight :: InRegex ys r -> InRegex ys (Choice l r)
InStar :: InRegex xs (Choice Eps (Cat r (Star r))) -> InRegex xs (Star r)
hasEmpty :: Sing r -> Either (InRegex '[] r) (InRegex '[] r -> Void)
hasEmpty (SSym _) = Right (\case {})
hasEmpty (SCat l r) = case hasEmpty l of
Left inl -> case hasEmpty r of
Left inr -> Left (InCat SNil inl inr)
Right notInr -> Right
(\(InCat xs inl (inr :: InRegex ys r)) -> case appendEmpty xs (Proxy :: Proxy ys) Refl of
(Refl, Refl) -> notInr inr)
Right notInl -> Right
(\(InCat xs inl (inr :: InRegex ys r)) -> case appendEmpty xs (Proxy :: Proxy ys) Refl of
(Refl, Refl) -> notInl inl)
hasEmpty (SChoice l r) = case hasEmpty l of
Left inl -> Left (InLeft inl)
Right notInl -> case hasEmpty r of
Left inr -> Left (InRight inr)
Right notInr -> Right (\case
InLeft inl -> notInl inl
InRight inr -> notInr inr)
hasEmpty (SStar r) = Left (InStar (InLeft InEps))
hasEmpty SEps = Left InEps